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Rodney’s Stroke Recovery

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This is Rodney Nguyen and two years ago, he had a massive hemorrhagic stroke that affected his entire life and left his right side paralyzed. He suffered the worst kind of stroke you can have.

 Recently, I found out that Luke Perry, a famous actor from 90210, had an ischemic stroke.  This type of stroke is more prevalent and treatment is possible if you can get to a hospital with enough time.

 They both thought they had a headache and decided to attempt to sleep it off. Luke Perry died at 52, leaving behind 2 kids. My friend Rodney survived and is one of the luckiest ones that lived.

 If you experience a headache that feels different or have high blood pressure that runs in the family, go see a doctor. A stroke can happen to anybody.

 Sharp Grossmont Hospital did a special dedication story on his behalf, check out the link below.


 Home life hasn't gotten much better for him. He has an aging single mom doing her best to take care of him. He has a 31- year- old brother who is not a professional caretaker. He doesn’t work and plays video games all night leaving my friend to defecate and urinate on himself while he sleeps.

 Because of his stroke, Rodney suffered from double vision. Last month, he visited an optometrist by the name of Dr. Buu. She told him there’s nothing much she could do for his eyes, but she came up with some strategies.

 For the first strategy, Dr. Buu patched his left eye making him look like a pirate. For  the second strategy, he tilted his head to the left a little and looked from his right side.

 Both of these strategies still left him with double vision.  He was saddened after leaving her office.

 Several weeks ago, his speech therapist asked him to read a simple sentence. He told her he can’t read unless he squints one of his eyes to stop the shakiness. She then pulled out a business card and referred him to a neurologist, Dr. Rose.

 Dr. Rose is a neurologist that specializes in optometry and he describes my friend condition down to a tee. Having his double vision corrected means the world to Rodney. He gets to regain his balance when standing and he can walk straight again. Most importantly, Rodney can read.

 He has never given up on his vision of seeing clearly, walking, and dancing again. There’s a major difference between eyesight and mindsight?

 Thanks to God’s grace or the Universe for sparing my friend’s life. Rodney wants to help other stroke survivors, but first, he needs your help. Everyday, he has been working hard at home and in his therapy sessions to return back to his passion of dance.

 Thanks for having vision and for helping my friend Rodney restore his. I’ve set up a special GoFundMe page to accept your generous donation. You can donate as little as one dollar but please donate what you feel comfortable.

 With the money raised and extra funds, he can afford a trip to the Institute of Neurological Recovery in Florida for an injectable stroke treatment that will speed up his recovery. Unfortunately, the treatment is not covered by medical insurance and leave his family in financial hardship.

 Thank you and God Bless. I hope that my friend Rodney gets back to his feet real soon.

 Tim Palmer - Best Friend of Rodney Nguyen, known him over 30 years

Special Thanks from Rodney

- UCSD Medical
- Sharp Coronado
- Sharp Grossmont
- Palomar Health Center
- Loma Linda Hospital
- A Time To Dance
- Las Vegas Afro Latin Festival
- Los Angeles Bachata Dance Festival
- San Diego Latin Dance Community
- Salsa Dance Community
- Bachata Dance Community
- Kizomba Dance Community
- Javier Avitia, Judie Le, Henry Le, Meyer Stanberry, Quyen Haddock, Tim Palmer, Stephanie Star Jink, Edward Kennedy, Benjamin Wong, Dr. Lam, Kathy Reyes, Lucia Nogueira, Mambo Castillo, Patrick Hernandez


  • Connie Sloneker
    • $100 
    • 4 yrs

Spendenteam (2)

Tim Palmer
La Mesa, CA
Rodney Nguyen
Rodney Nguyen
Team member

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