Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

Ray's Medical & Nursing Care Fund

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Ray before he was diagnosed with brain tumor.

We are reaching out to ask for your financial assistance to help Ray Pronda to cover his ongoing medical, rehabilitation and nursing care costs at home.

Ray is our friend in the Philippines. Prior to his illness, he was a successful engineer working at one of the top engineering and infrastructure developers in the Philippines. Religious, hardworking, kind-hearted and down-to-earth, he is loved by many. Ray is married to Maricel Pronda, a God-fearing, beautiful and strong woman. They have two lovely sons, Kyle Francis Pronda, 22 years old and in college, and Austin Pronda, 19 years old, he is in his senior year in high school. 

On August 22, 2017. Ray was diagnosed with 7.6 cm Benign Tumor of the Brain. On August 25, 2017, he went for brain surgery to remove the tumor. To prevent bleeding and incapacitating damage because the tumor location was very close to the blood vessels of the brain, the surgical team was able to remove as much as 70% of the tumor safely.

Ray before the operation on his way to the operating room.

Ray on August 28, in the hospital on his third postoperative day with his wife, Maricel, celebrating their  son’s  Austin birthday. 

On November 6, 2017, Ray started his radiation treatment. Halfway through his radiation treatment of 30 sessions, Ray had on and off episodes of motor skill changes. He can’t walk. He can’t take a shower. He can’t button his shirt. His legs were very weak. The doctor ordered physical therapy for him to regain his strength and functions.

Ray after radiation treatment with his wife and friends.

On November 17, 2017, Ray was diagnosed with hydrocephalus, a condition in which fluid accumulates in the brain and if left untreated can damage brain tissues and cause a range of impairments in brain function. He was admitted to the hospital and went for ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunting, a surgical procedure that involves an insertion of a shunt inside one of the brain’s ventricle to divert fluid away from the brain and restore normal flow and absorption of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). He stayed in the hospital for three weeks and he was discharged wheelchair bound.

On December 22, 2017, Ray was re-admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of aspiration pneumonia and brain swelling. Ray spent Christmas Day and New Year’s Day in the hospital.

Ray in ICU on a ventilator.

In early January of this year due to his continuous focal seizure, Ray was put into induced coma for forty-eight hours to help stabilize the brain. There in ICU he went for PEG insertion, tracheostomy tube insertion and central line insertion. While in ICU, Ray suffered from urinary tract infection, thrombosis of the arm and leg and had multiple blood transfusions. Ray stayed in ICU for fifty-five days and was on a ventilator for fifty days. Due to his complex medical condition he was under the care of eighteen doctors.

Ray’s medical insurance coverage ran out. Ray’s family had their own funds on hand at the beginning and thought it was sufficient to get him through all the surgical and medical treatments needed. However, due to complications and prolong hospitalizations, Ray ‘s medical bills skyrocketed to millions in Philippine currency.

Ray was discharged from the hospital in Manila on March 5, 2018.

Currently, Ray is opening his eyes a bit. He is aphasic. He is bedridden. He is totally dependent on his activities of daily living (ADL’s). Ray left the hospital with a tracheostomy tube and a gastrostomy tube in place. Due to his fragile medical condition he requires a 24/7 nursing care. Furthermore, he needs ongoing therapy and other medical treatments to regain his functions.

Ray at home receiving tube feeding.

Ray at home being suctioned by the nurse.

Ray’s daily nursing care, rehabilitation and medical expenses will be costly. Our goal is to help Ray to fully recover by providing him the necessary care needed during this time and also to help his family to be able to financially afford the expenses that will be incurred. Giving generously will not only achieve both goals but will also give the family an opportunity to focus on Ray’s care and healing. Taking care of a loved one with a tracheostomy tube and a gastrostomy tube at home is a big challenge.

Ray during a physical therapy session at home.

There is hope for Ray. Ray’s recovery from the crucial stage of his illness was a “miracle.” His wife, Maricel kept her faith in GOD that Ray will survive this and amazingly through GOD’s grace, Ray did.

Where the money will be spent? All donations will fund Ray’s ongoing medical, rehabilitation and home nursing care costs.

1. 10% Respiratory Care and Supplies
(Oxygen, Tracheostomy Tube, Tracheostomy Cleaning Kit, Suction Machine, Suction Catheters)

2. 10% Gastrostomy Tube Care and Supplies
(Feeding Tube Formula, Feeding Bottle, Asepto Syringe)

3. 10% Prescription Drugs
(Anti-seizure medicines, respiratory medicines, other medicines)

4. 10% Nursing Care
(24/7 Home Nursing Care)

5. 20% Rehabilitation Costs
(Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy)

6. 20% Physician and Clinical Services
(Professional Fees, Laboratory Tests and Imaging)

7. 15% Hospital Emergency Fund
 (Unplanned Hospitalizations)

8. 5% Other Supplies
(Gloves, Masks, Diaper, Underpads)

Ray was the sole breadwinner in the family. His wife, Maricel, has a small home business but it is not enough to finance Ray’s ongoing medical expenses. Please consider GIVING to make a difference in their lives. Any amount is welcome and appreciated.

Ray with his wife Maricel at a friend's wedding last year.

Ray at home with his family on Christmas Day of 2016.

Ray with his two sons, Kyle Francis and Austin.

Ray said to his wife, Maricel, in November of 2017, while Ray was having a radiation treatment:

“I want to get better and healed because I still have a lot of missions in life. I want to go back to work to finish all the projects assigned to me and for more coming projects. I want to give back to all the people who helped me throughout my health battle. I want to go back to my normal healthy life.”

We pray to GOD that Ray will be restored to health.

Ray is only forty-eight years old. We are encouraging everyone to give Ray a chance to live by sharing your blessings to Ray for his family to be able to afford the staggering costs of his medical, rehabilitation and home nursing care. Your prayers, thoughts and donations of any amount is greatly appreciated.

On behalf of Ray and his family, we are  grateful for your kindness. May GOD bless you all!

Luz & Kevin



  • Arlen Macaspac
    • $91 
    • 6 yrs


Kevin OConnor
Chicago, IL

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