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Post-Stroke Therapy for Jennifer

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How amazing!  Due to your incredible generosity, we have reached the goal of funding Jennifer's therapy for 6 months!  I am increasing the goal to 12 months, in case this message continues to circulate to new people who feel compelled to give.  Therapy will be needed for years to come.   Read on for the whole story...

In December of 2016, Jennifer Crandall, wife and mother of two girls ages 9 and 11, underwent what should have been a low-risk surgery to remove a facial cancer (which was scary enough).  Instead, during the surgery , she suffered a hemorrhagic stroke.  For days they didn't know how much neurological and physical damage there would be.  It is nothing short of a miracle that she is now alive, mentally normal, and able to walk and talk.  However, she still has very limited use of her right side and almost no use of her right hand and arm.  She has come so far with the help of amazing physical and other therapies that have helped in leaps and bounds - but now, the money for the therapies is drying up and the assistance from the hospital in terms of offering therapy are coming to a close.  Her insurance therapy benefits have long since passed.

 Jennifer had full time before the stroke, as did her husband, Sterling.  Sterling continues to work, but had a to take a lot of time off during Jennifer's stroke and hospital stay to take care of the girls and to keep the proverbial wheels turning on the family bus.  Luckily, they had planned ahead financially - Jennifer had disability insurance and they had saved for six months worth of savings.  However, expected expenses did not include any of the therapy that is needed to continue Jennifer's progress to get her to her eventual goal of returning to work and being able to fully care for her family.

 How can you help?  With therapy.  At the current level (which is well below the ideal amount, but is enough for continued progress), Jennifer has these therapies:

  - Physical Therapy once a week for $50 a session (working with an amazing PT who is giving her a substantial discount) ($200/month)

  - Feldenkrais Therapy twice a week.  This is a small-muscle therapy specifically working her right hand and arm, and has helped her tremendously.  $105 per session, or $840 per month.

  - Counseling with a neuropsychologist to help her adjust to the new challenges and figure out new ways to handle issues that used to be almost subconscious.  $140 every other week($280 per month). 

  - The family as a whole has been under tremendous strain since the stroke.  It would be a huge benefit to the family if they could afford family counseling once a week ($60 per session) to help them work through all of the changes in their family since the stroke.  $240 per month.

 If you add all of this up, the cost of needed therapy alone that is not covered by insurance in any way is $1,560 per month.  Is there any way you can help?  Can you cover the cost of one therapy session?  If we all work together, can we cover six months' worth of all therapy costs (a total of $9,360) so that Jennifer and her family can get the help they need to continue to move forward into their altered, but still absolutely possibly fantastic, future?  Please help if you can.


  • Marcia & Terry Heuer
    • $100 
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Sara Omdal Gillam
Bellevue, WA
Jennifer Crandall

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