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In loving memory of Uncle Curt

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On a typical Thursday morning at the Kāne’ohe Public Library children, parents, grandparents and friends eagerly wait for the library to open to hear their favorite children’s librarian.  Multiple award winning Librarian/Employee of the Year (Curt Fukumoto), Uncle Curt, as he is known, is extremely loved by all who are treated to his gentle singing, handcrafted puppet shows, stories and fun crafts . Hundreds of families miss this amazing story time in Kāne’ohe because their beloved Uncle Curt has been sidelined by a devasting illness. This man has given his heart and soul to thousands of children in so many communities across Oahu and it’s time for us to give back to him and his family. Curt and his wife and 2 children need our help.

In  March 2018, our beloved, Uncle Curt was diagnosed with  Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL),  an aggressive type.   This was a devastating shock to his family and community. 
Because this is a fast-acting disease, Curt was prescribed 8 rounds of chemotherapy.  Everything happened so quickly.  It has been scary, stressful, and confusing for the family.  He’s been through a lot, like all cancer patients—hair loss, weight loss, skin and nail problems, digestive system issues, low blood counts, bone pain, nausea, a weakened immune system. 

 Chemotherapy puts the leukemia into remission, but it could come back.  Therefore, a bone marrow transplant (also known as stem cell transplant) is the best shot at a cure.  However, there is no where in Hawaii where he can get this procedure done.  In July, they went to Seattle for a consultation with the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA).  It was  determined that Curt is a candidate for a bone marrow transplant, so a match is being sought.  In the instance where a match is not found, a cord blood transplant might be a possible option. 

To even be considered for the transplant, Curt will need to have a full-time caregiver with him 24/7 to administer his medications, monitor his condition, cook, clean the living space, accompany him to his medical appointments, and communicate with his family and friends.  That person will most likely be his wife, Shannon.  His two children, Jude (age 13), and Marina (age 11) will be remaining in Hawaii since they will be attending school. 

Curt really enjoys  his position as Children’s Librarian at the Kaneohe Public Library, but because of his illness and extensive treatment, he has been on sick leave since February 2018.  Although he does have health insurance, which helps somewhat, it doesn’t cover everything: 
      -Travel expenses from Hawaii to Seattle for the transplant procedure for himself and his wife, Shannon. 
     -Lodging while in Seattle (he will be in the hospital for some of the time, but the rest of the time, Curt will need to reside somewhere within 30 minutes driving distance of Seattle Cancer Care Alliance) 
    -Daily living expenses 
    -Loss of income while his wife has to use unpaid leave to take time off from work 
    -Hiring of a home health care provider to assist Curt once he’s recovering back home in Hawaii 

 Thank you for your support and generosity.  Curt appreciates everyone’s prayers, good thoughts, drawings, and “get well soon” cards.  It is hard, but he is doing his best to keep his hopeful attitude despite all that he must overcome. God hears your prayers. More than anything, please pray unceasingly for Curt and his family.  Pray for a successful transplant and complete  healing.  "Rejoice in our confident hope.  Be patient in trouble and keep on praying." (Romans 12:12)



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Spendenteam: Uncle Curt's Library Fans (2)

Karen Kimura
Kaneohe, HI
Shannon Fukumoto
Erin Chinen
Team member

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