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Phil's London Marathon for Narcolepsy Uk

When the world falls down around you and someone you love develops a rare condition. Small specific charities and the communities that surround them are life saving.
I'm running the London Marathon 2023 on a ballot place, but I would also like to raise some money for the charity which supports Robin.
Narcolepsy UK also supports 'People with Idiopathic Hypersomnia', and their support of our family has been amazing over the last 5.5 years, helping us educate those who support Robin and giving him access to as 'normal' an experience of the world as possible.

More information about Narcolepsy UK: Narcolepsy UK covers the whole of the UK to assist persons with narcolepsy, cataplexy, idiopathic hypersomnia. Established for over 30 years the charity is often recommended as a first port of call for those newly diagnosed to. Our Listening Ear can provide understanding and support for those vital early day, delivered by persons with a real insight. Support with Benefits, Education, Work, Driving, day to day living, if we do not know we can usually signpost. Over 1m pounds in Benefit Awards in 2020


Phil Dolphin
Narcolepsy UK
Eingetragene Nonprofit-Organisation
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