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Pasch's vs. ALS

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6 weeks ago our lives changed forever. Our beloved Mom, Jackie was diagnosed with ALS. Our mom has always been the glue that held our family together. Amid the squabbling and bickering she was always at the centre playing peace keeper. She has been an amazing mom to all 5 of us kids. She adopted 4 children when she was only 19 years old and raised them as if they were her own. She has also had a huge hand in raising her 9 grandkids. Truly a proud and doting Grandma. Mom is caring, compassionate, loyal, selfless, hard working and she would give anyone in need the shirt off her back. We hope to be able to give back to her as shes given to all of us. ALS (Lou Gehrigs disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is a disease that attacks the motor neurons in the brain. As these neurons die, they shut down the body one part at a time. All of this happens while the brain remains concious and aware. Able to see and feel. But trapped inside of their own body. This diagnosis comes with no cure. Only two medications that may possibly slow symptoms if we are lucky. These are also very expensive. The daily medication (Riluzole) is $700 per month which is $8000 per year. Thankfully, Mom has some drug coverage, but only $2000 per year. The intravenous medication (Ratacava) will require require daily trips to london and will most likely make continuing to work difficult. The doctors tell us we have to make every minute we have with mom count. We want to help her visit the places she has always yearned to see, but always said "theres still time, maybe next year". We wish for her to be financially stress free in this difficult time ahead. Free to spend time traveling with family while she can still walk. Free to enjoy her limited time without the worry of leaving debt behind. Free to make memories with family and loved ones. We wish we could fix this or take it away, but the only thing we can do is be there for Mom and make the time count. We are glad that mom is a fighter and the strongest woman we have ever met. She will try her very best to give ALS a run for its money. Please help in any way you are able. We are grateful to all of you. With thanks and love, Jerrica, Carrie and Megan
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Jerrica McLean
Burlington, ON

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