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Parvo Can Suck It.

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If we are Facebook friends, chances are you've seen a post about this mutt. Polly and I found her on August 21st, dodging the morning traffic on Echo Park Avenue. She was surprisingly sweet and gentle, so we took her in hoping to figure out where she came from. In the two days that followed, her health suddenly started to decline. The vet just diagnosed her with Parvo -- which, if you don't know, is a real mofo. Although the mortality rate of this disease is depressingly high, we were told that it's still in the early stages and she (we've been calling her Maisy) has a fighting chance if treated aggressively and properly. Granted, we barely know this beast but the thought of just letting her succumb to this stupid virus was too terrible a burden to bear and therefore we've opted to do whatever possible to aid in her recovery. The procedure is time-consuming and demanding on both animal and vet, and traditionally runs upwards $1500. As we didn't plan on having her enter our lives the way she did, we certainly haven't budgeted for it either. Some close friends suggested we start a small fundraising campaign so that they could contribute, and thus here we are. Just to clarify, please DO NOT feel obligated to donate. Polly and I understand that this is something we chose to do and have no expectations whatsoever, charitably speaking. There is also still a very real chance that she won't make it, so take that information into consideration as well. We just wanted to provide an option for those who have already expressed interest, or anyone else should you find yourself willing and able to help us help her.

Much love.

Jared and Polly


  • Anonym
    • $280 
    • 11 yrs


Jared Varava
Los Angeles, CA

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