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Get Rob Off-Roadin'

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My name is Rob, I'm 37 and live North of Boston, MA. A little over 20 years ago a warm January night at a local beach changed my life forever.  I decided on this night, during my senior year of high school, that taking a dip in the ocean would be a funny thing to do and create a memory my friends and I could laugh about years down the road.  So I walk over to the edge of the moon lit ocean, neatly folded my shirt, pants, shoes and socks (so I'd have dry stuff to put on after) then took about 3 running steps, dove head first, then boom!  The creek I thought should have been about 3 feet deep was a mere 3 inches.  My head struck the hard sand breaking my C5 vertebra and instantly paralyzing me from the chest down.  

The fast thinking of my friends, family, first responders, doctors and nurses saved my life that night.  I knew right away my life had changed forever that night but I also knew I was not going to let a wheelchair stop me from living!  After months of hard work in a rehab hospital I was able to graduate on time from high school.  I went on to college where I not only graduated with honors but it is also where I met Louise, my now wife of 10 years.

It was not long after I met my wife when she asked me if I could still have kids. I knew I could from a physical perspective but the thought of kids scared me to death.  I mean I had my hands full just getting myself around on a daily basis let alone try and figure out what to do with kids in the picture!  But as our relationship grew and we got married, I knew how important being a mother was to Louise so despite my fear parenthood was going to be the next journey.  

The journey began with a fertility process that meant a number of small medical procedures for both me and Louise.  We experienced the highs and lows that come with fertility treatments.  I watched my wife endure countless needle sticks, poking, prodding and shed enough tears to fill a swimming pool.  It was a tough process but in the end we were given the gift of twins, a boy and a girl!

The twins are now 6 and keeping up with them is tough! When they first started walking it was not problem keeping up with them on nice flat surfaces but now all they want is to run around the yard.  This usually means I'm stuck watching from a far or asking Louise to drag me thru the grass, mud, sand or what ever other surface the kids have found.  Louise is always willing to do it so I can be involved but I just kept thinking to my self there has to be a easier way to get around.  So like everyone else these days I headed to the internet to look for the answer...

After months of searching, I finally found the answer and it's called the Mountain Trike.  It is basically what you would get if a wheelchair and high-end mountain bike had a baby.  The mountain trike will allow me the independance I need to go anywhere my kids want to lead me.  The only problem is this independance comes with a sticker price of $7,500.  An amount that for me alone is too much money.  

I'm hoping I can get enough people to read and share my story and give a few life changing dollars.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story.  If you want to check out the mountain trike it can be seen at


  • Carol Unis
    • $100 
    • 9 yrs


Rob Sarofeen
Gloucester, MA

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