Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Pumpkin Lives On

Spende geschützt
Hello world -

As we all now try to pick up the pieces of our broken hearts after losing our dear, sweet, funny, brilliant, silly old man Nick, we start the process of figuring out what's next.

Nick was extraordinary for so many reasons, but I think the one thing everyone can agree on, and the one thing that has had the most impact on all of us, is his enormous capacity to love.  With his love he touched so many people . . . I mean, SO MANY.  From our very first days DJing together, to watching his transition from Nick.the.Neck into Pumpkin, then seeing him pull our biggest crowds at The Woogie ever, it became more and more apparent that he was meant to show people what love is.  He was selling the love sauce, and we were all buying.

I'm overwhelmed with the amount of people reaching out asking what they can do to help, how can they donate, how can they support, how can they give back to the man who reminded us all what love is.  After discussing these requests among a few of us, we decided to set up this Go Fund Me campaign.

We set a goal only because they require it, but there is no goal.  This is just a place where you can contribute, should you feel moved to do so.  So what's next?  What will these funds be used for?  Pickles and whiskey?

Well, there are a handful of ideas.  First and foremost we will be organizing a gathering where everyone can come celebrate Nick's life and reconnect with all the people we love.  Beyond that, there is talk of creating a fund or donating to a charity that involves music and children, which we will leave in the hands of Nick's sweet parents.  If there's money left still, we figure Nick would want us to start a pickle company called Nickle Pickle, where the pickles are cheap and the hugs are free.  ;)

There is no pressure here . . . donate if you can, don't if you can't.  We'll put your love towards doing good things in the name of the man who moved us all . . . Nick Alvarado . . . a.k.a. Pumpkin.

Note that, for legal reasons, I need to let everyone know that our dear friend Meg Tyra will be in charge of handling the donations in this account and will be the one making sure the logistics for the memorials get paid for from it.  She will coordinate with Nick's family around where the excess will go and what charity we donate to in Nick's name.

With all our love . . .


  • Tony and Carmela Sophia
    • $50 
    • 8 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Sammy Bliss
Redondo Beach, CA
Megan Tyra

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