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No One Fights Alone-Lymphoma Cancer

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We need your help to comfort a soul in pain.
Thank you so much for your time and your care!
No One Fights Alone...

My father has been battling with cancer for more than 6 years now. The first time he was diagnosed he went through surgery, chemo and radiation. Cancer spread again, and he had to go through all that once more. Now after 6 months of the end of his second treatment his post examinations came positive with non-active cancer cells and the only way to make sure that they don't become active again or spread is through a treatment called Plerixafor, which is expensive.

My dad is now 64 of age and his body is frail and tired, the doctors said that if the cancer spread again his body will not be able to endure chemo therapy again.

So please we need your help to comfort a soul that is in pain.

Thank you so much for your time and your care!

No One Fights Alone...

كل شخص منا لديه قدره محدده على تحمّل الألم. وبالنسبه لعبدالستار ذو الأربع
والستين عاماً, هذه القدره لم تعد كافيه لتحمّل جلسات العلاج بالكيماوي.

تم تشخيص عبدالستار بسرطان الغدد اللمفاويه وتمت معالجته عدة مرات. أكد الأطباء حالياً أن الخلايا السرطانيه في جسده خامله لفترة وجيزه, ولإبقائها خامله يجب على عبدالستار تناول علاج "بليريكسيفور".

لذا نحنا بحاجه لجمع مبلغ 10,000$ قيمة هذا العلاج.

فلنساهم معاً بإعادة الأمل للأب والزوج والجد والصديق...لنثبت لعبدالستار ولكل من يواجه نفس الألم أن "لا أحد يقاوم وحيداً"



  • Anonym
    • $10 
    • 7 yrs
  • Rabee3 Alsheshakly
    • $1,000 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs
  • Abir Alsabagh
    • $25 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs


Ghadeer Al-sheshakly
Albany, NY

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