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Recovery for Rebecca-Hospital Bills

Donación protegida

Becky is a sweet, 19 year old college student who is full of life and love for the world around her. She is an avid animal lover and has 3 sweet rescue fur-babie's at home who are eagerly waiting for her to return from the hospital. She is a sister to 3, and aunt to 1, a friend to many, and she is also my wife. My sweet, beautiful, compassionate, amazing wife who does so much for others and so much to make my life as amazing as it is.

Unfortunately, Becky also suffers from type 1 diabetes, which she was diagnosed with shortly after the passing of her father when she was only 9 years old. Typically 
children and adults with type one dibetes live normal functioning lives, but it does add devestating consequences to what would otherwise be normal medical conditions. At 2:45am on Monday February 1st, Becky was admitted to the hospital with life-threatening levels of acidic keytones in her blood. After 5 long days of not eating a single bite of food, drifting in and out of conciousness, and being on some extremely strong painkillers that were attempting to take the edge off of unimaginable pain, they finally figured out that it was the result of an infected gallbladder. Today they removed the infected gallbladder, but Becky is still unconsious and on oxygen support, and still has to be treated for fluid in her lungs and undergo other rigorous tests to ensure she will be able to return safely home without going into Diabetic Ketoacidosis or running into any other complications.

The extensive hospital stay, treatments, tests, and surgeries, along with both of us missing so much work, is taking an enormous financial tole on our little family. As necesary as health insurance is, unfortunately it is extremely difficult for anyone with a prexisting medical conditon to get decent health insurance, and after just the first day of being in the hospital one of the nurses handed me this bill: 

$30,961.59. For a single day. We have been in the hospital for for 5 days now, have at least 3 more recovery days to go, and my poor wife has also undergone 2 HIDA scans, 1 CAT scan, multiple xrays, an ultrasound, and a major surgery to remove her gallbladder. 

There is no amount I would not pay for my sweet wife's health, but we are two college students and we simply do not have the funds to pay for everything; the hospital stay, the time taken off of work, the medications needed to make sure Becky returns home happy and healthy. I don't want her to worry about not going back to work right away as she recovers from her surgery. I don't want her to have to stay at home by herself struggling to walk to the bathroom or get something to eat while she recovers. And I don't want her to have to worry about us struggling to pay rent or buy groceries as she regains her strength. 

Any donation-even simply giving $1.00-will mean more than you could possibly understand. It will mean that we will be $1.00 closer to paying our rent to make sure Becky has a safe place to recover from her surgery. It will mean we will be $1.00 closer to paying for her life-saving insuline that she is required to take multiple times a day to simply survive. And it will mean we are $1.00 closer to paying back all the wonderful nurses and Doctors at the hospital who did everything within their power during our stay to make sure Becky and myself were taken care of as well as  possible. 

From the bottom our hearts, we thank you for your compassion. If you can't donate, please take a few seconds to share on facebook, twitter, or any social media platform to help gain awareness of our campaign. It's going to a long road to recovery, but we know that with the support and love of our family, friends, and community, we can make it.


  • Anónimo
    • $250 
    • 8 yrs


Austen Broun
Scottsdale, AZ

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