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The Mission for Mo'

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As The Cat Tells It:
My name is Mo’lasses.  Mo’ for short.  I love to play!  I love my tassel-toy, I love to chase our other cat, I love to run, run, run in circles!  Bugs are fun, too. 
Lately, though, the jumping and racing and pouncing haven’t been very fun.  My leg hurts.  It hurts a lot and sometimes I have to stop running and just lay down where I am.  My human took me to “The Vet” and this other human played with my leg and OUCH!!!  My human has tried to keep me inside ever since, but I’m too fast and smart for her!  Hahahaha!  But my leg still hurts.  I just want to chase my tassel-toy and run and jump and pounce and roll in the dirt (and climb trees and explore the roof…  And chase my tassel-toy!  But OUCH!!  Did I mention my tassel-toy? I take it with me everywhere – to the human’s bed, to visit her in the bathroom, out to the lawn, I try to show it to everyone!
But my leg.  I just want it to stop hurting.

The Human’s Version:
Mo’ is a great, funny, affectionate, ACTIVE, young cat (estimated to be about 2-3 years old) who wants to play with everything and everyone.  I adopted him this past March from a local cat sanctuary.  He has spent a good chunk of his life living by the river.  I intend for this to be his forever home.
The knee problem is congenital, but just started showing late May.  The official diagnosis is bilateral medial patella luxation; his kneecaps slip out of place, making any bending of the knee very painful.  He will actually cry out sometimes when this happens, and then lay down where ever he is.  It will relax and slip back in, but it doesn’t stay.
If not corrected, he risks damage to his ACL and MCL (knee ligaments), and has an increased risk of arthritis as he gets older.  He doesn’t shows no signs of ‘knowing his limits,’ so additional injury is a matter of when, not if.  For a cat that’s this active and energetic, that’s far too much pain to ask him to live with, now and later.  Luckily the surgeon supports operating on both knees at once, which saves both recovery time and money. 
I just want him to stop hurting, and have the highest possible quality of life, which for this one, means staying very active.  And yes, he’s obsessed with his tassel-toy!  Sometimes I think Mo’ is more Border Collie than cat!

The Mission:
Bilateral knee surgery late June.  The surgeon will modify the femurs to give the knee caps a deeper groove to rest in.  The whole process will be a little under $3000.  He’s expected to have a 4-5 week recovery where I’ll have to manager his activity level (ha!).  I’m so grateful for your help and contribution to keeping the fabulous feline healthy, happy, and active!


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Becca Drumbor
Sacramento, CA

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