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Do you have my back?

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What happens when you are on an escalator and see an elderly, heavy woman —with a walker— start to wobble?

You jump up a couple of those moving stairs to help and then... horror!  She free falls straight back ON TOP OF YOU. Then,  you stay in that position for 10 minutes.  (which believe me, is a long time). 

That was four years ago. And I had a very bad back
before "the incident".  A lifelong chronic back disease. 

If you've heard the expression, I've got your back—well I'm hoping you have mine!

I have suffered from severe back pain for over four
years,  and the only treatment available to me is
bone marrow stem cell therapy, which is not covered by insurance. Of course. 

After many, many doctor appts. therapies and
injections... and all manner of exercises, I have no other options.  Surgery is out. 

Plus, I  have another family member healthcare
condition that is very expensive on a monthly basis. And many of the personal needs are not covered by
insurance either.  Great. I know.  

The surgeon who will do the stem cell transplant
is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon.
He's very good, and I trust him.  And, it's not one of
those—stem cells and botox mall clinics.  Scary.   
I've researched and researched.  

I'll pay it forward!

Everyone wants to know about this treatment but
there's not much out there that's reliable.  I will write an article (and blog)  about the entire procedure in an
effort to educate others who may benefit from this
amazing new treatment.

I'll answer questions that it's taken me a long time to get the CORRECT answers to, and I'll, of course, help others financially on the Go Fund Me site when I'm
doing better!(I plan to be back working full time after
four months!)  I'm working now, but just part-time. 

Good news!

The surgeon said that given my diagnosis, I  have a
70 percent potential recovery from the crippling pain.  If I could jump up for joy-- I would.  (I've tried it, but I just
end up down for the count for a few more days). 
Of course, no procedure is guaranteed, that's where
science, hope, and prayer collide.

Please consider helping out with this procedure,
I just need my back...back.   And soon. As soon as I raise the funds I can have it done.  And you can follow the
entire thing... as I'll start a  blog about it.
(If the surgeon agrees to it, I'll also shoot video. Well,
someone will. It would be hard to
do while having the procedure :) 

Thank you for reading this and considering a donation. 
If you are thinking ... hmmm, this isn't life-saving, is this where I want to donate?   Please know that living
with severe chronic pain is soul crippling.  My life
mission is to inspire others. It's what I do for a living, and will continue to do with your help. 

I have a lot to give back-- so please, help my back. Today!
I'll get back to doing the work I love on a regular basis,
and together we can fund others in need!

Click and give.

Thank you!
Molly Cox





  • Anonym
    • $25 
    • 6 yrs


Molly Cox Ziton
St. Paul, MN

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