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Mike's Fight against Brain Tumor

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Hi everyone! I am Gerlyn, Mike's sister-in-law. I used to live and work in the Middle East but now living in the Philippines. I'm married and we have a 9month old son. This GoFundMe is not about me, but about Mike, my brother-in-law. He and my sister need your help. They both reside in Temecula, CA right now. I kept encouraging my sister to create this but she was hesitant at first because she didn't want to be a burden on anyone. Eventually, I was able to convince her that it's what's best for them and their 2.3y/o twins.

Mike and my sister used to live & work in Doha, Qatar for a few years. They married and was able to start a family. It took 6 years before they were finally blessed with kids. They named their twins Michael & Mikayla.
Everything was fine until . . .

August 2014.
Our family decided to visit Mike's family in California. One afternoon, Mike was in the backyard and my sister saw him dozing off.  She went to wake him up and check if he's okay. He said he was fine that's why they didn't do anything.  After a month long vacation in the US, they went back to Doha where he was able to do all the necessary medical check ups and nothing serious was found.

October 2014.
He had a strong seizure that lasts for 5 minutes, he turned blue and finally he snores to catch his breath. He was taken by the ambulance into ER where he had a CT scan. They found out that there were small tumors in his brain which was causing his seizures.  To be more clear with the diagnosis they did and several MRI and biopsy. He was  diagnosed with Diffused Astrocytoma - Grade 2 (benign).

May 2015.
He was in and out of ER due to symptoms getting worst. He's experiencing seizures more frequently. These seizures led to him forgetting his computer's password at work and eventually got fired.

He then started oral chemotherapy called Temozolomide (Temodal) for 8 months which helps to shrink the tumors. The neurologist and neurosurgeons agreed that operation wasn't needed since the tumor is scattered and too small that he might be paralyzed once touched. Radiation therapy is not an option at moment as it is reserved at the very last. 

July 2015.
Mike and my sister came to the Philippines along with the twins. They had a chance to have a second opinion in Makati Medical Center and St. Lukes Medical Center-BGC (Manila) with different neurosurgeons. Both doctors, said the same thing which the doctor in Doha said. Again, after a month long stay in Philippines, they went back to Doha leaving the twins behind. 

October 2015.

He and my sister then decided that he will return to the US to continue his treatment. Unfortunately it took some time to see a doctor because he doesn't have health insurance.

February 2016.
After waiting for quite some time, he was finally brought in to have a check up and had a chance to have another MRI in Loma Linda University Medical Center. When the neurosurgeon got the result he immediately scheduled Mike for surgery coz if not, he might only have two months to live. My sister was still in Doha during that time. She decided to take an indefinite leave to be on Mike's side on his operation. Her boss was very supportive that he told her not to resign yet and see the situation before she decides if she's going to leave Doha or not. However, a few days later, she received a message that they already terminated her contract. 

Mike had two surgeries in a span of two days. First day surgery was successful and removed 90% of the biggest tumor only. The rest of the tumors are inoperable due to location. They did a biopsy of the tumor that was removed. He's diagnosis has changed from Diffuse Astrocytoma to a Glioblastoma Multiforme - Grade 4 (malignant). It is very aggressive type of brain tumor and it will most likely will comeback. Later that day he had a massive headache. The doctor ordered a CT scan and found out that there is an internal bleeding . Dr Spicer, his neurosurgeon, decided to do another surgery the following day.

After a few days in the ICU we could see that he was doing better through video call. He talked to us like nothing happened tho he was visibly a bit groggy. He kept saying 'I love you' to the twins and that he misses them to bits! It's heartbreaking to see their 2.3 y/o twins who aren't even fully aware what's happening to their dad. 

He's now staying in a rehab where  trying to regain his strength. Despite the circumstance, I think he's hanging on with everything, because we can still talk to him. Most recently, my sister tells us that his memory loss is getting worse and he gets easily agitated. He doesn't know what happened, where he is, how many kids he has and where are they right now. It's heartbreaking that we cannot do anything for him and my sister. Everyday his condition is getting worse & we hoping and praying for a miracle.

I created this to ask for your help. My sister and my brother in law lost their jobs because of this ordeal. Both are now without income and my sister is really struggling with what's left of their savings. We are incredibly grateful for all the support and assistance we have received from our relatives and friends thus far, most especially Mike's brother, who has a family of his own to care for.

As a mother myself, my wish is that Mike can be reunited with his family. That his children and wife may be beside him throughout this incredible and painful struggle. Perhaps the children's presence might push Mike to heal and promote well-being. 

I love my sister and my brother-in-law. They were the ones who were there the first time I left the country. They were the ones who supported  me when I didn't know who else to lean on when I was just starting out. This is the only way I can think of to help them in this moment of trial for their family.

Thank you for sparing your time to read this. ANY help no matter how little can make a BIG difference. THANK YOU SO MUCH! 


UPDATE 3/27/2016
Mike just had seizures which made him unresponsive/unconscious. The rehab rushed him to the ER of the nearest hospital but there was no available neurosurgeon so they had to bring him to another hospital via chopper. He had another CT and it shows total of 5 aggressive tumors tyring to invade his brain. That explains his severe memory loss and mood swings/confusion and severe headache. 

UPDATE 3/28/2016
My sis said she just talked to Mike's neurosurgeon. The Doctor discussed about the  tumors growing aggressively on both side of his brain. He is on Stage 4 but the tumors are so advanced that they progress too fast! Surgery is not an option anymore because it will make him completely paralyzed. It may prolong his life but not its quality.

They will show the image results to the Oncologists and see which treatment is better, radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. They will compare the possible side effects of the treatments to him and hopefully, some benefits.


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Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Gerlyn DC Bergonio
Temecula, CA
Jennifer Bojo Pulido

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