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The Mickey White Family Fund

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  Mickey White was born on April 20, 2012 with a congenital heart defect.  He was diagnosed with a Double Outlet Right Ventricle with Coarctation of the Aorta.  Where we have four chambers of the heart, Mickey has three; he was born without a left ventricle and narrow aorta, the main supplier of blood to the body.  Surgeons cannot create what is not there, but through a series of 3 surgeries, they can alleviate the heart's workload by moving major vessels from the heart to the lungs, so that the body receives as much oxygen as needed to grow. 

Mickey's first surgery was April 25th and was a success.  He was discharged May 15th, though readmitted May 22nd for struggling to breathe.  On May 25th, he went into cardiac arrest and was placed on life support (ECMO) for 3 days.  Once off ECMO, his team of doctors decided that his second surgery would need to happen sooner than the predetermined 4-6 month mark but the longer they waited, the more opportunity Mickey would have to grow and strengthen.  For the following 6 weeks, he remained in the CICU growing and strengthening but then beginning to struggle.  On July 9th, he was listed for a heart transplant.  Mickey's team decided that while attempting the second surgery was worth it, a new heart is truly what Mickey needed to flourish.  His second surgery came shortly after, July 12th, and once again it proved to be another success after 10 hours in the OR.  Through an innovative approach, surgeons reconstructed his right ventricle from the inside.  For the remainder of summer, Mickey stayed in the CICU, recovering from surgery, battling with a blood infection and struggling with collapses in his lungs.  On August 17th, he became reactivated on the heart transplant list, should a heart become available, the transplant team felt he was stable and ready for surgery.  Transferred to the Cardiac floor, he spent September and October growing, developing and reaching milestones. On September 21st, he went to the OR for a feeding tube to be placed.  This tube would help in both his acid reflux and him receiving the most nutrition with the least work required.  While the 2 previous surgeries did aide his heart, Mickey still was working very hard.   On October 19th, what Mickey needed most, finally came; a heart had become available.  He went to the OR for yet another 10 hour surgery, this time returning with a 4 chambered heart.  As with previous surgeries, Mickey's resilience and fight proved this transplant to be a success.  While the threat of rejection remains, his doctors are optimistic.  Numerous ultrasounds have shown his heart to be as strong as he is.  On November 1st, he returned to the OR to investigate some issues he'd been having with breathing.  The results have shown severe damage to his vocal chords.  He is currently battling this new struggle with hopes medication and time will help his body recover.

Mickey has been at Boston Children's Hospital for over 6 months.  He has been to the OR 6 times for over a total of 40 hours, had a breathing tube placed 10 times, conquered a serious blood infection, struggled tears and collapses in his lungs, had daily blood tests done, multiple  x-rays taken,  numerous catheters and IV's  placed and has been on 20 medications at one time .  He has been home for 1 week. 

To say Mickey is a fighter is redundant.  This little baby has never once given up on life and living.  His time on this earth has been nothing but daunting, but he has been nothing but courageous.   There has been fear in his eyes during his hardest moments, but never submission.  While the facts of his life are ones of pain, the story of his life is one of love.  His smile is one of the warmest, his cuddles are one of the softest and the happiness he has brought to those in his world is more than ever expected.  What he lacked in his heart, he made up for in love. 

Through Mickey's struggle Jimmy and Mary Kay have been extremely strong parents and have not only endured a never ending emotional battle but are suffering financially.  Both Jimmy and Mary Kay of course have needed to take extended leaves from work.  Mary Kay has taken a leave of absence for the entire school year.  Jimmy has taken extended leaves from work at different times throughout the past 6 months depending on Mickey's status, and he currently is not working.  We are hoping to raise some money to help alleviate some of this financial strain for both of them, for general living expenses such as daycare for Mickey's older brother Jack, their mortgage and bills.  Any amount of a donation will be helpful to them and very much appreciated.  But most important please continue to pray for Mickey's recovery so he can finally go home and they can finally be a family together under the same roof.  Thank you.

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  • Erin Egan
    • $50 
    • 11 yrs
Faire un don


Jennifer Ann White
Weymouth, MA

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