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Don protégé
JAN, 2016
Due to the difficulty of finding a bone marrow match, the journey has become a long and difficult one. A new year, A new Campaign, Mark Scott Needs Bone Marrow Now!!
Under doctors care Mark is not allowed to work, his daily routine is at a minimum, weekly blood tests determine activities and when the next chemo treatment will be scheduled. After every chemo treatment the struggle to keep platet levels out of critical state has become a daily task.
Mark needs a bone marrow transplant now. It's been 6 months to date in the search for a donor match.
We will keep you all up to date with our next fundraiser that will help pay for Mark's medical and cost for living.
For everyone who has graciously donated and supported our friend Mark, WE Thank YOU!! 
The ROAD AHEAD RIDE was EPIC!! THANK YOU for coming out and THANK YOU  to the ones who participated in spirit and love.

Please join Caring Bridge for all updates as well.

GFM is the path for all donations to help Mark Scott.

Mark Scott story:

June 8, 2015: The news hit like a jackhammer. Our brudda and dear friend, Mark Scott, was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). Mark has been taken out of his beloved cycling world for the time being, however, this guy knows what it means to Fight and Win!
This past year has been nothing short of exasperating for Mark. He shattered his tibia in what seemed like a pretty easy bike test ride due to a faulty part. The extent of the injury made no sense. He underwent surgery, multiple pins and screws holding his leg together, while doing all he could do to heal and get back to work and back on the bike.
Months into recovery Mark experienced some weird illnesses. We called them the flu, a really bad cold, he even had strep throat. Various doctor appointments here and there, then weeks of feeling A-OK, "life is pretty good," only to fall into yet another illness. The repair of his leg was going well, he was off crutches, back at work. Then, he lost his job and….BAM! He was in and out of the hospital, seeing more doctors. What’s going on with Mark’s health ?!? We all asked.
The new doctor went the extra mile. He uncovered the mystery and here we are today. Full-blown leukemia. Mark is laid up again in the hospital. His white blood cell counts are out of this world high and intense chemotherapy is being administered in hopes to STOP the unwanted invasion of cancer cells multiplying in his blood.
All the while, Mark is taking this like a champ. His fun, goofy demeanor hasn’t stopped for a minute, even as he nods off mid sentence due to the lack of his usual high energy. His body is being beat up like no other, however, his spirit and humor are fully intact. The infectious grin and one-liners still coming.
Being the strong diligent pro athlete that Mark is, it is no wonder the oncology team is encouraged by his daily spring back. Mark has conquered many daunting cycling race courses; he has taken the National Championship medal and has plans to continue in his endeavors on the bike, whether it be in competition or group ride with his comrades, his love for fitness and catching up with his bro’s is important to him.
The healing will be slow once the healing actually starts. Right now it’s kill the cancer, kick its butt right outta his blood! With more test scheduled and blood transfusions, the direction of what’s going to take place next will be determined.
With no date in the near future for Mark to leave the hospital and/or get back to earning an income and medical bills stacking up, plus all the other costs that insurance does not cover, our friend needs a little help. As close friends to Mark and knowing him so well, this is something we know he would never ever ask.
So, we are. No donation is too small. The donations will help cover living expenses and medical needs.
The support and outpouring of love and friendship from those near and those that are far has been so comforting and so very much needed and appreciated.
Mark’s girlfriend Gloria, sister Darla, and his mother are taking turns by his side daily. His dad is only a phone call away to add to the encouraging words and keeping the positive vibe flowing in.

From all of us here at
Thank you for your generosity!
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  • Lori Goldman
    • $25 
    • 6 yrs
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Charon Smith
Dana Point, CA
Mark E Scott Jr

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