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Marinaro Support Fund

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As many of you have heard, Tom and Steph were excited to be bringing twin boys into the world this September.  The twins had other plans in mind and were born on May 22nd, at Sisters Hospital, via an emergency C section . Everett weighed in at 1 pound 10.4 oz, and Emerson came in at a booming 1 pound 11.8 oz.  Born at only 23 weeks and 3 days old, we all knew there was a long and scary road ahead for this family, and the doctors confirmed this by informing the new parents that survival rates of such premature births are only 10-15%. 

Five short days after birth, Emerson had to be rushed to Children's Hospital for a surgery to repair a perforated colon.  After many tense hours in the hospital, doctors shared that surgery went well and that Emerson was a little fighter.  Emerson had to stay at Children's to be cared for by their staff. Meanwhile, Everett was progressing and getting stronger at Sister's hospital.  Moving either child was a risk at this stage of the game, so Steph and Tom had to visit two hospitals each day to spend time with their precious babies.  

                               (Everett grabbing his father's fingers)

Nine days later, a curve ball was thrown and the family was informed of a blood infection that was going to be treated with antibiotics for Everett.  After watching him struggle and decline for many hours, conversations with the doctors about possibilities of survival and removing life support were being discussed. A gut wrenching and impossible decision was made to take Everett off life support.  His body was too fragile to fight off the infection and making him comfortable was the only humane option.  After two weeks of life isolated in an incubator, Everett finally got to be held by his parents...this emotional embrace was also a tearful goodbye. Everett's two week battle was over far too soon.

As agonizing and terrible as it must be to go through that, the young parents couldn't grieve too long as they still had another baby fighting for his life at another hospital.  They had to give him as much love and support as they could, all while trying to figure out how to mourn the loss of Everett.  

For over 100 days, their life has turned into a daily, anxious, never ending moment of unease and uncertainty.  With each passing day, a cautious hope builds, only to be reset by each hurdle that Emerson is faced with.  The name Emerson actually means "brave" and "powerful"  and this little fighter has most definitely lived up to that name.  He's overcame the odds and the many setbacks over the past 115 days, and we're hopeful that he's able to keep kicking ass so he can come home soon. 

This fundraising effort is an attempt to help support Tom and Steph with anything they need.  Fortunately, insurance covers most of the medical expenses, but co-pays, gas money, parking, and take-out food-amidst the daily hospital travels have added up rather quickly.  Steph is also planning on staying home to care of Emerson as his full time caregiver.  He's going to have a lot of appointments to go to and requires around the clock care, so they are losing a full time salary as well.  Most of you have reached out and have shown endless amounts of support and have offered to help in any way possible.  After some resistance, Steph and Tom have agreed to let me make this page to give everyone a platform to help them out.  

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your concern, prayers and support for my brother, sister and nephews.  At times like this, family and friends are all we have to get us through.  

Much love and humble appreciation, 
Matt Marinaro      

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  • Kelly Nowaczyk
    • $100 
    • 5 yrs
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Matthew Marinaro
Buffalo, NY
Thomas Marinaro

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