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Help my family to escape GAZA

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Hello world,

We are a family of 9 members begging for help to survive
with whatever you can
To everyone reading these words, we are currently in the sixth month of the war on Gaza. These days have been filled with nothing but fear and deprivation, with the sounds of bombardment and destruction shattering our dreams. In our home in Gaza, I live with my family of nine members. Our lives have been reduced to details of oppression and suffering, which continue to weigh heavily on my husband, Nour Al-Din Ashour, his brothers Mohammed and Youssef, his wife Maisoon, my sister Marin, my nephew Ahmed, and my two children Mariam and Milad.

Me and my two beautiful children Milad and Mariam

Me and my husband

my husband during the war

Milad and his cousin

As I write this plea, my small family gathers under dimming lights, sharing canned food for iftar during the holy month of Ramadan. These are harsh moments as we try to remember the fleeting happy times, when we eagerly awaited our parents and uncles returning from work. But today, they are without jobs to meet our needs. Our lives have changed drastically, and moments pass in eerie silence, leaving us with memories burdened by the pain that has added years to our young lives.

Every sunrise marks a challenging journey to secure our meals through primitive means of baking bread, cooking, and fetching water after enduring long queues at the only water source in our neighborhood. This is a reality unimaginable, where peace and safety are no longer present. Everything has changed for us. Instead of caring for my family—my husband and children—I find myself writing this plea for help to evacuate Gaza, hoping to salvage whatever remains of our future, a topic I no longer discuss with my husband and children these days.

All we dream of now is for this message to reach the hearts of humanity worldwide, to find compassionate souls willing to act and share this plea extensively. Your contributions, no matter how small, via the GoFundMe platform, can be a beacon of hope for me and my family to leave Gaza. With deepest gratitude and appreciation,

From my family. 


Jennifer Colon
Medford, NY

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