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Fighting for Love!

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Mabel and Augie (Agustin) Sanchez met in high school where they became high school sweethearts. They’ve been married for 17 years. They have 3 beautiful children Elizabeth 19, Anthony 12, and Natalie 10. Mabel is a loving, caring mother who has always taken care of her family including her younger siblings that look to her for support. Mabel worked a full-time job as a Certified Nurse Assistant at Sierra View Medical Center in Porterville CA for several years. Augie works as a Dental Technician. He is a father who loves his
 family deeply. He is the kind of person that would do anything to help family and friends in need. In 2012, their youngest Natalie was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes at the age of five. Natalie’s diagnosis was unexpected but has been manageable.

However, in 2013 their lives would change forever when Mabel was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer. This would be the beginning of their battle. She endured 6 months of aggressive chemo therapy and underwent a mastectomy to remove the breast. In 2015, they were informed by their doctor that the treatment was successful. She was able to return to work for almost a year and resume their lives with no worries.

Yet, once again, their worry-free lives would be turned upside down. At a follow-up check-up in July of 2016 they were told the cancer was back. The cancer had spread to her liver where multiple tumors were found, lungs and brain where 7 small tumors were also found. She began treatment which consisted of radiation Monday through Friday for 26 weeks. Though very hard on her body the treatment seemed to have worked, the cancer was in partial remission.

After recovering from treatment, Mabel felt that she was ready to return to work at Sierra View Medical Center. Sierra View Medical Center has been very supportive through this process and has been a second family to her. Unfortunately, on July 2017 they were informed that the cancer had progressed to Stage 4. The ongoing emotional, physical, and financial strain that this disease has placed on this family has been heartbreaking.

We want to help alleviate some of the burden with your help. We want to make sure Augie can continue to support his wife in every way possible. Mabel is in constant pain and depends on Augie to not only care for her but also care for their children. Augie is a strong- willed man who would never ask for help and always has a positive attitude even through the toughest of times. Yet, every strong man needs a helping hand. As you all know, medical care can be very expensive. We all want Mabel to receive the best care possible. We also want to make sure their family has a stress-free Thanksgiving and Christmas and continue making memories as they continue their battle to fight cancer. We have decided to raise funds to help Mabel and her family through this difficult time.

We encourage you to share this message with friends and family. Given Mabel’s extensive medical history coupled with the long road ahead for her and her family, we know raising money is the least we can do to ease their burden. We are grateful for any financial support you wish to give. However, we understand that not everyone can donate. We do ask that you please keep their family in your prayers. As faith is what continues to keep their family strong.

Version en Espanol


Mabel y Augie (Agustin) Sanchez se conocieron en la preparatoria en donde se hicieron novios. Han estados casados desde mas de 17 años. Tienen 3 hermosos hijos, Elizabeth 19, Anthony 12, y Natalie de 10 años de edad. Mabel es una madre amorosa, cariñosa quien siempre cuida de su familia, incluyendo a sus hermanos menores quienes necesitan apoyo moral. Mabel tambien trabajo tiempo completo como enfermera asistente certificada por varios anos en el Sierra Medical Center. Augie trabaja como tecnico dental. El es un padre que ama y se preocupa por cuidar de su familia. El es de las personas que haria todo lo posible para ayudar a sus seres queridos en necesidad.

En el 2012, su hija la mas pequeña Natalie fue diagnosticada con Diabetes Tipo 1 a la edad de 5 años. Su diagnostico fue inesperado pero manejable. Sin embargo, en el 2013 sus vidas cambiaron para siempre cuando Mabel fue diagnosticada con Cancer de Mama Face 2. Esta seria el comienzo de su lucha. Mabel tuvo 6 meses de quimoterapia agresiva y se sometio a una vasectomia para remover sus senos. En el 2015 se les informo por sus doctores que el tratamiento fue exitoso. De esta manera ella pudo regresar a su trabajo por alrededor de un año y continuar con sus vidas sin ninguna preocupacion.

Una vez mas sus vidas libre de estres, les Daria la vuelta. En sus visitas regulares al Doctor se les informo que el cancer habia regresado. Se detectaron varios tumores cancerinos en su higado y pulmones ademas que en su cerebro se detectaron otros 7 tumores mas. Comenzaron tratamiento de radiacion de inmediato que consistia de Lunes a Viernes por 26 semanas. Lo cual era dificil conllevar los tratamientos, estos parecian funcionar en remision parcial. Despues de recuperarse de este fuerte tratamiento Mabel sintio que estaba lista para regresar a su trabajo.

Desafortunadamente en Julio del 2017 se les informo que el cancer habia progresado a su 4ta etapa. La tension emocional, fisica, y financiera que esta enfermedad ha causado a la familia es angustiosa.

Necesitamos su ayuda para aliviar la carga. Queremos asegurarnos de que Augie pueda seguir sustentando a toda su familia en cada aspecto posible. Mabel esta en constante dolor y depende de Augie, no solo para cuidar de ella si no a sus hijos tambien. Augie es un hombre de fuerte voluntad y nunca pediria ayuda, ademas de esto el sostiene una actitud positiva aun en los tiempos mas dificiles pero aun los de fuerte voluntad necesitan una mano que les ayude.

Como bien saben los costos medicos pueden ser muy costosos. Todos deseamos que Mabel reciva el mejor cuidado posible. Tambien quisieramos que su familia pueda pasar Accion de Gracias y Navidad sin preocupaciones para seguir teniendo memorias y continuar su batalla contra el cancer. Hemos decidido juntar fondos para ayudar a Mabel y a su familia en estos tiempos dificiles. 

Les animamos a compartir este mensaje con sus amigos y familiares. Dada la extensiva historia medica de Mabel y su camino largo que aun queda por recorrer, sabemos que juntar fondos monetarios es lo minimo que podemos hacer. Les agradecemos de ante mano cualquier apoyo monetario que puedan dar. Entendemos que no todos pueden contribuir economicamente. Les pedimos que Mantengan a la familia en sus oraciones. Fe es lo que mantiene a esta familia con fuerza.

Faire un don


  • Monica Lopez
    • $40 
    • 6 yrs
Faire un don

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Veronica Preciado
Lindsay, CA
Elizabeth Sanchez

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