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Lesley Bellingham Cancer Fundraiser

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Starting 2 years ago Lesley could not stop scratching her itchy skin. At times it seemed she had poison ivy. She was so itchy she would scratch her skin raw. She saw her doctor and was prescribed an anti-histomine. That did not ease her itchiness. Her doctor then prescribed her ointment to see if that had an effect on her rashes and itchiness. The ointment did not improve anything. During all the doctor visits they were doing blood work, and then started do blood work for cancer.  All the blood work results were good.  They even did a skin biopsy, and that was good.  Then Lesley went to see her doctor for a med check-up in September 2017, and she asked the doctor about a lump on her neck that had appeared a few days before she saw the doctor.  The doctor looked at it and first did not think it was anything serious, but the doctor decided to have another doctor look at it. That is when all the stress and agony started. Lesley had to have a CT scan, then had to have a biopsy done on the lymph node.  At that time the doctor said he was 95% positive it was cancer.  Things got real now.  Then another biopsy has to be done on the same lymph node.  2 months have gone by while she is having all these tests done, and it was finally confirmed she had Hodgkins Lymphoma. 

She was now referred to the Carbone Cancer Center at UW-Hospital.  She first had a PET scan done which will show all the areas in her body that the cancer is active.  We met with the Oncologist, and she confirmed it was Hodkins Lymphoma. When we saw the results of the scan her body lit up with white areas all over. The white areas are cancer.  The Oncologist came up with a plan of 8 chemo treatments to beat the cancer, which turned into 12 treatments.  The treatments are 2 weeks apart.  So 6 months of chemo!

I witnessed Lesley feeling mediocre at the start of her treatments. At first she was still working at her job. Then she had to switch to limited hours with restrictions, because she could not pick-up and lift things at work that she used to be able to lift.  She was nauseous and weak.  She got to the point she had to go on disability and stop working. At this time the doctor bills are starting to come in and she resorted to use the money she had in savings that was to pay for day-to-day bills, but now is paying doctor bills.  That money is pretty much gone, bills are still racking up.  With every appointment comes a cost.  With every procedure comes a cost.  A cost that we couldn't prepare for. 

The cancer has changed her life forever in every way possible.  She has check-up appointments for PET scans for a long time.

As much as her pride wants to keep this to herself and just deal with it, I have asked God to soften her heart.  To allow people to help.  To ask people to help.

Yes. We are asking for help. Whether it's prayer, reaching out, or helping offset costs associated with this diagnosis, we are thankful for any and all of the support we will receive. The only reason our hearts are where they are is because of the support we've had.  Our goal is to help offset 2017 & 2018 Out of Pocket costs, as we know this fight will continue, even past 2018. 

So.  Again.  Lesley and I say thank you for your support.  For your prayers.  For your blessings.

God is good, and Love to you all.


  • Lisa Popp Hoffman
    • $100 
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Brad Root
Madison, WI
Lesley Bellingham

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