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Legal Fighting Fund.

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For 25 years I have had an unblemished record of working with children & young people from all walks of life. This time last year I found myself in the scenario that everyone working with children dreads : being on the wrong end of a "safeguarding" investigation.  Not because of my behaviour with children, but because I had personal views which allegedly contravened "Fundamental British Values"!

Thankfully, after investigation by my employer, the local authority, the diocese and the police, the complaints against me were all eventually dismissed as FALSE.

This was an immense relief.  But for my own sake - and for the sake of every one else who ever faces false allegations - please will you consider helping me fight back? 

Unbelievably, to this day my accusers have never specified the grounds for their complaints. It also appears there was no due process followed, no proper record keeping, and there's evidence to suggest improper collusion. Furthermore, documents released through Data Protection laws have revealed that the accusations were motivated more out of prejudice (and probably malice) than anything else. 

Please can you help me turn the tables and ensure that justice is done

You see, even when accusations are proven false, the process is the punishment.  Accusers can go about their lives unaffected and undeterred. The falsely accused receive no apology, no recompense, no restitution. It's no wonder that the majority of people who face false allegations end up leaving their positions anyway. So even when you win, you lose.

A victory for me would help deter others from abusing safeguarding procedures : using them to punish people they dislike or disagree with; using procedures designed to protect children to bully adults instead.

My accusers - both senior professionals - have unions, legal support and a whole professional infrastructure behind them.  I have none.  I have a case I can win as long as I have the right legal support.  But lawyers don't come cheap (...encourage your children to become one!).  Help me ensure there is a "level playing field" for both accused & accuser.

I have already spent several weeks wages of my own money on preliminary information gathering, and received nearly a months wages worth of pro bono legal advice.  But now I really need your support to right a wrong, to make my accusers accountable, and give hope to others who might face a similar situation.

Thank you for donating and standing with me. It means a lot to me.

(PS - One final twist in the tale: below is just one of numerous inappropriate/unprofessional messages one of my accusers - someone with a hugely responsible job with children - was tweeting publicly even whilst falsely accusing me of being a safeguarding risk to children! They hastily deleted their account after realising that I was aware of it. Your support will also help me expose their hypocrisy.)


Peter Shields

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