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Support Lam Chui to fight NPCcancer

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Thank you SO much for visiting our GoFundMe page and taking the time to read about my husbands cancer journey. I will continue to update here as I can and as things change. 

My wonderful loving husband of 6 years and father to 2 young boys (5 and 2) is young and healthy by medical standards until he was diagnosed with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma cancer. NPC, for short, is very common among people, mostly men, from Southeast China, where Lams family is from. As we know now, there is a tumor behind his sinus cavity on the left side and the cancer has spread to 2 lymph nodes on the left side of his neck and to 1 on the right side of his neck. His treatment will begin on Friday 3/16/2018. 6 weeks of chemotherapy, 2 weeks off of treatment, and then 7 weeks of radiation (every day Monday - Friday)plus chemo once a week. Along with treatment there will be numerous doctor appointments and follow ups.

The cost of everything is quickly piling up from insurance out of pocket maximum, doctor visit copays, tests/imaging copays and gas traveling all over the metroplex to UT Southwestern and Medical City of Dallas and even Fort Worth. 
Lam will be attempting to work from home on the days he has his chemo treatment. There will be follow up appointments with the doctors that I will want to go to with Lam. I have filed for FMLA but that only secures my job while I'm away helping Lam for his medical issues, no income supplement. That is tough to handle when we have monthly bills and 2 boys to take care of. When Lam goes through radiation he will be on FMLA which for himself is 60% of his weekly income.  I will continue to go with him to his doctor visits but will need to continue working to help support our family. 

Examples of the related costs are the insurance deductibles for tests, treatment, doctor visits, prescriptions needed, food items needed for Lam as his diet will be very restricted due to the location of the tumor and the treatment affecting his mouth and throat. Also, any related travel expense to get to where we need to be (gas, meals on the go, etc).

Lam has continued to stay in high spirits as he begins treatment and I know that will be key in his recovery. We thank everyone for the well wishes and prayers. They absolutely work.

My wish is to use any leftover funds to spread more awareness to people about Nasopharyngeal Cancer and the dangers of it. Early detection is key and getting the right kind of treatment. My 2 sons have a probability of getting this in their lifetime and we wouldn't have known about it at all if it weren't for Lam getting diagnosed when he did. 

Thank you to any and all donations. Every dollar counts.

Link for anyone who is local who is able to help with a meal, a ride to treatment, grocery shopping or just a playdate for my kids. 
Thank you!!



    • $300 
    • 6 yrs


Heather Chui
Plano, TX

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