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Help Junior Beat Leukemia

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September 2019 ended very differently than Junior Remedi had expected. Instead of heading into work at his construction job like he had been doing for the past 16 years, on the morning of September 30th, Junior was in so much pain that drove himself straight to the emergency room of Saint Barnabas Hospital instead. Mysterious bruises had been popping up all over his body for weeks, and he never recalled injuring himself. Examinations were done that afternoon and the results were to come the following day. It was the next morning and the results regarding the origin of his bruises and sudden pain were absolutely heartbreaking. 

Junior was diagnosed with Leukemia, a form of blood cancer. He was immediately began an aggressive chemotherapy treatment that night. The oncologist plans to keep up with this intensive treatment for a minimum of 30 days in order to kill off as many cancer cells as quickly as possible, but he still has a long journey of treatments to go through. With these treatments, he will soon suffer the harsh side effects of intravenous chemotherapy, intrathecal chemotherapy, subcutaneous chemotherapy injections and lumbar punctures. This is the beginning of a wearying battle for Junior's health. 

Junior is a hard-working man, who supports his four children and wife, Alexsandra De Souza who gets paid an insufficient salary. With these treatments, Junior will be weak and under no circumstances able to work, forced to take a break and focus on his health. During this time Junior is going to have trouble supporting his family and house expenses, while still having the hospital bills accumulating. The costs of his treatment including hospital bills have already begun to add up very quickly, leaving him in no condition to afford to pay these bills.

Junior is a loyal, honest, kind man, who is in desperate need of help. We ask that you keep Junior and his family in your prayers during this difficult time, and if you can PLEASE SHARE this page/link to help spread the awareness of our campaign. Any donations would be greatly appreciated to help Junior beat this devastating disease. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


Setembro de 2019 terminou de maneira muito diferente do que Junior Remedi esperava. Em vez de ir para o trabalho de construção, como vinha fazendo nos ultimos 16 anos, na manhã de 30 de Setemro, Junior sentui tanta dor que foi direto para a sala de emergencia do Hospital Saint Barnabas. Hematomas misteriosos vinham aparecendo por todo o corpo há semanas, e ele nunca se lembrava de ter se machucado. Foram feitos exames naquela tarde e os resultados estariam chegando no dia seguinte. No dia seguinte, as respostas que recebeu naquela manha sobre a origem de seus hematomas e dores repentinas foram absolutamente de partir o coração.

Junior foi diagnosticado com leucemia, uma dorma de cancer de sangue. Ele foi imediatamente internado no Hospital Saint Barnabas onde começou a quimioterapia agressiva naquelo noite. O oncologista planeja manter seu tratamento intensivo por um period minimo de 30 dias para eliminar o maior numero de células cancerigenas o mais rapido possible, mas ainda tem uma longa jornada de tratamento pela frente.

Com esses tratamentos, ele logo sofrera os duros efeitos colaterais da quimioterapia intravenosa, quimioterapia intratecal, injeccoes subcutaneas de quimioterapia e puncoes lombares, Este e o comeco de uma batalha desgastante pela saude de Junior.

Junior e um homem trabalhador, honesto, leal e gentil que sustenta seus 4 filhos e esposa, Alexsandra De Souza, que recebe um salario insuficiente. Com os tratamentos, Junior ficara forcado a parar e se concentrar na sua saude. Durante esse periodo, Junior tera dificuldades para pagar as despesas da familia e da casa, enquanto isso se acumula a conta do hospital. Os custos desse tratamento, incluindo as contas do hospital, ja comecaram a aumentar rapidamente, deixando-o sem condicoes de pagar-las. Junior Remedi precisa desesperadamente de ajuda para poder cobrir os gastos que se aproximam. Pedimos que mantenham Junior e sua familia em suas oracoes durante este period dificil, e se puder COMPARTILHAR esta pagina/link para ajudar a espalhar a conscientizacao de nossa campanha. 

Qualquer doacao sera muito bem vinda para ajudar o Junior a vencer esta doenca devastadora. 

Obrigada do fundo de nossos coracoes e que Deus abencoe cada um de voces.



  • Cristovam Oliveira
    • $150 
    • 4 yrs


Junior Remedi
Livingston, NJ

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