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Ryan Ourlian's Memorial Fund

Donación protegida
In July 2013, as Ryan and Michelle were about to close on the adoption of their ten-year-old daughter Shayla, Ryan was diagnosed with stage four cervical cancer. Within weeks, multiple doctors pronounced her cancer terminal. But Ryan was determined to beat the odds and fight for life with her family.

Only weeks after diagnosis she was in the Intensive Care Unit with odds of survival incredibly thin. The cancer was extremely aggressive, spreading to her liver, lungs, and lymph nodes and causing renal failure.

In typical Ryan fashion, she proved doctors wrong, recovered from renal failure, and was back home to close Shayla's adoption. On Christmas Eve, the family received exciting news"”the chemotherapy had been incredibly effective, removing the cancer from Ryan's liver, lungs, and lymph nodes and shrinking the mass by 70 percent. She was able to spend quality time with Shayla, teaching her curious mind about science, history, The Beatles, and even secret strategies of Backgammon.

Shayla had a rough start in life and had been through multiple foster homes. She was facing educational and learning delays. Today, after spending the last several months with Ryan and Michelle, Shayla is thriving, reading at a fifth grade level, working toward her Tae Kwon Do black belt, and singing with her new friends in the local choir.

Michelle says, "We are a family that beats the odds and overcomes obstacles but we could not do it without the help of Csea and my mom, Cleo, who have both put their lives on hold to help our family survive this. We have also been blessed by friends who have donated what they could to help, whether it was time, money, or emotional support."

Michelle has had to leave her job to care for Ryan who is 100 percent disabled at this time. As small business owners, their company is taking a hit. Michelle does not have the capacity to take on new customers, but instead only sustain a few clients. Ryan used to run the majority of the business, but her level of participation changes depending on her medical condition that day. Giving up the business would hurt financially in the long term, leaving them with no income, but keeping it today requires sustaining the overhead costs and disqualifies them from many forms of financial aid.

At this time, the family knows they need to reach out beyond their inner circle as they face a new and frightening crisis. Ryan is back in the ICU, fighting the flu, pneumonia, and bacteria in her blood. As her battle unfolds and they strive to keep a stable environment for Shayla, here are ways you can help:

· Post messages of support for the family

· Say a little prayer, light a candle, and send positive healing energy Ryan's direction

· Forward this story along to as many people as you can "“ you never know the impact YOU can have

· Any donation, big or small, will help see this hard-working family through this difficult crisis.


  • Stacy
    • $100 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $50 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs
  • Bud and Patsy Sanders
    • $200 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs
  • Diane Warner
    • $70 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $30 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs


Ryan Michelle Ourlian
Santa Rosa, CA

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