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We [Heart] Canada Banners

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Wyatt Webster, a member of the Lower Nicola Indian Band and a small business owner on the Lower Mainland was fed up.

Wyatt had seen too many protests by uninformed protesters get their message across without challenge in the media.

He wanted to balance the discussion and share the story of how regular hardworking Canadians benefit from our natural resource sector and environmental protection with Canada's world class standards.

During the recent protests on Burnaby Mountain, Wyatt and his brother decided to share their side of the story.

They placed Canadian flags and banners across the mountain that told their side of the story: natural resources mean jobs, opportunity, and prosperity for Canadians.

Just like Canadians have done for 148 years, we can and must balance resource development with economic development, and environmental protection. We can’t shut down entire industries at the whims of a fringe group of full time paid activists whose real motives are not clear.

However, these fringe groups showed their true colours that day last month on Burnaby Mountain.
They tore down Wyatt’s banners.

They defaced his Canadian flags.

And they violated his inalienable right to freedom of expression.

But Wyatt wasn’t discouraged. In fact, this fired him up even more.

Canada Action supports Wyatt’s goals of a free, balanced discussion on our resources and our environment.

We don’t think it’s fair that Wyatt’s property, that he paid for out of his own pocket, was destroyed.

So we’re asking you: will you support Wyatt?

Will you chip in to help Wyatt purchase new banners, new Canadian flags, and maybe even video recording equipment to protect his property?

Volunteers from Canada Action have put up the first $250.00 in this campaign – will you help us reach our goal of $4000.00 to pay for the tools he needs to get his message across? The first $2000 will replace the damaged banners and all additional resources will go towards new banners and a camera so Wyatt can continue and document what happens when he stands up for Canadian resources in the future.

Any amount -  $10, $20, $50, $100, $250 or more will go a long way.

If we exceed our goal the rest will go to video recording equipment to protect Wyatt's property at the next rally he attends.

Almost 2 million Canadians work in our natural resource industries. Wyatt has their back. Will we have his back?

Join Wyatt today.


  • Annette Modien
    • $20 
    • 9 yrs


Canada Action
Vancouver, BC

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