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Justice for Creatives

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Our Mission

In a landmark case that has reached the United States Supreme Court, Sherman Nealy and partners Garfield Baker and Bryson Smith stand as a beacon of hope for creatives everywhere. Their fight is not just about a song; it's about setting a precedent that ensures fair compensation and respect for creators' rights, challenging the constraints of copyright law that currently limit damages to a mere three years. This battle, while deeply personal to Nealy, Baker, and Smith, symbolizes a larger struggle for the rights of artists, musicians, writers, and creators across the globe.

The Story

Sherman Nealy, a dedicated music producer, discovered that their copyrighted work from 1984, "Jam the Box" by Pretty Tony, was used without their permission in the 2008 hit "In the Ayer" by Florida. The partners Garfield Baker and Bryson Smith were writers and producers of the music that was stolen. Refusing to stand by as their creative work was exploited, Nealy, Baker, and Smith launched a legal battle against Warner Music Group, seeking justice not just for themselves but for all creators who have been wronged by powerful corporations.

The Background

In the vibrant world of music and creativity, artists, musicians, and writers pour their hearts and souls into their work, only to face the daunting challenge of copyright infringement. Major companies, including Warner Music Group, have been accused of using creative works without proper licensing or fair compensation, undermining the rights and livelihoods of the very individuals who enrich our culture and society.

The Challenge

Legal battles, especially those that reach the Supreme Court, are lengthy and expensive. Despite the significance of this case for copyright law and creators' rights, the financial burden of continuing this fight is immense. Nealy, Baker, and Smith have taken a stand, but he needs your support to carry this battle across the finish line.

The Issue

Copyright infringement not only disrespects the creative process but also places an undue burden on artists struggling to protect their intellectual property. The current landscape, where major corporations can benefit from the work of creatives without just compensation, is both unfair and unsustainable. It stifles creativity, discourages innovation, and violates the fundamental principles of artistic integrity and fairness.

How You Can Help

Your donation to this GoFundMe will directly support Sherman Nealy's legal costs, ensuring that their voice, and the voices of creators everywhere, are heard loud and clear. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to a historic victory for creative justice.

- $25 helps cover the costs of legal research and briefings.
- $50 supports the preparation of legal documents and filings.
- $100 contributes to the costs of legal counsel and expert testimony.
- $500 aids in covering the extensive costs of taking this fight to the Supreme Court.
- Any amount you can give makes a difference in this historic battle.

Join the Fight & Impact

By supporting justice and fairness for creatives, and standing with the rights and integrity in the music industry and beyond of Sherman Nealy, Garfield Baker, and Bryson Smith you're not just funding a legal case. You're investing in the future of creativity. A victory in this case would set a groundbreaking precedent, ensuring that creators can seek fair compensation for the full duration of unauthorized use of their work, not just the last three years.

Share Your Support

After donating, please share this campaign with your network. Use the hashtag #JusticeForEveryNote #StandWithNealy to spread the word and build momentum for this crucial cause.

Donate now and be a part of history in the making. Together, we can fight for the rights of every creator out there.
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Sherman Nealy
Covington, GA

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