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On August 25th, 2011, Joseph was leaving Calabasas High School after practice and had a date to meet up with some friends at a local Coffee Bean.  Joseph never made it to Coffee Bean that night.  While traveling East on Ventura Boulevard, Joseph was cut off and struck by a car attempting to make a left hand turn in front of him.  Joseph’s head hit the car, and he was then thrown from his motorcycle.  Sadly the driver quickly pulled off, leaving Joseph to die, but a pedestrian witnessed the entire thing and called “911” immediately. Thank God for him.  Joseph reached the hospital in time, but remained in ICU and on life support for three weeks. Joseph suffered a badly cut lip and finger that required immediate plastic surgery, but worst of all Joseph had very traumatic brain damage.  Over the next few weeks’ doctors noticed no improvement in Josephs recovery.  One day the doctor came into Joseph’s room and told Josephs mother Tai, that continuing with life support was pointless. When Joseph heard this, his body suddenly jumped after ten days of no movement. From that day forward the doctors said, “As long as Joseph is going to fight, we're going to fight!” 

        Over time Joseph started breathing on his own again, and continued to make improvements.  Though they were small improvements, we were all watching Gods grace unfold upon our friend.  After three months in the hospital, Joe Joe was moved to a nursing home facility. Family and friends would take turns staying with Joseph during the day and night to make sure he was properly taken care of.  The staff at the facility were great, but leaving Joe Joe alone wasn’t something his family was ready for. A year and one month later Joseph’s mom Tai made the decision to bring Joseph home where he remains today. August 25, 2017 makes six years that Joseph has been in this condition. Though Joseph is no longer in a coma, he remains in a state where he is non-verbal and dependent on the care of his mom and home nurses.

 The only thing that Joseph wanted to do in life was help people, and he made it a point to do just that every day. Josephs favorite quote is “The better you are, the better I am.” This quote is a true representation of Joseph Frazier’s Character.  I have never met a person who Joseph did not get along with. His friendship and love for others is contagious and positively affects everyone he meets.

Taking care of Joseph is becoming more and more difficult for his mother Tai. The nursing company continues to cut back on hours allowed for the home nurses to take care of Joseph, leaving his mom to take care of him by herself some days and nights. Tai then has to take time off from work. No work, no money. No money, no peace of mind. Not that money solves anything, but it certainly does help. Tai loves Joseph with more than all of her heart and NEVER COMPLAINS! Unfortunately, last year Tai's Husband suffered a back injury leaving him paralyzed from the waist down, leaving her now responsible now for not one, but two mediacal expenses. Tai’s love for EVERYONE, including her son, is unconditional. She will do ANYTHING for ANYONE. Tai is a faithful mom, and has never turned her back on Joseph, and she never will.

 Through all of his ups and downs from battling pneumonia, to enduring multiple brain surgeries, Joseph has kept a positive and faithful attitude. He makes eye contact with friends and family on occasion and acknowledges us by blinking more frequently and turning his head towards us when we talk to him about what’s going on in life, and in the NBA.  Every day Tai and the nurses get Joseph up for a shower and get him dressed for the day. Joe has a wheel chair that he sits in until it's time to get back into the bed later at night. Joseph has a ‘G tube” and a trach. Our prayers are that we can eventually get him off of both, allowing him to talk and eat solid foods again. Joseph's  friends have had fundraisers to help with medical bills. While the family is so grateful of the support, the medical costs are endless for both Josephs and her husbands care.  Tai has used up all of her savings; and while still working when possible, she still continues to fall short on medical costs. Your donations, no matter the amount, will be a huge blessing to this family. Tai is an amazing mom and would do anything for anyone! I guess this is where Joe’s love for all people comes from.  We really want to get Joseph into a rehabilitation program that helps people who have suffered from brain injuries. We are hoping he can receive brain stimulation and physical rehabilitation, and possibly receieve another brain surgery that can  with Gods grace, relieve some of the fluid that is on his brain.  We know Joseph would make so many improvements and feel better about himself while speeding up his recovery process.  We want this so bad for Joseph because we know the type of person he is! Yes he has injuries, but Joseph NEVER GIVES UP, and ALWAYS works hard to push himself to the limit! We want Joseph to be able to continue to live the life he deserves.

            If you can find a way in your heart to help this amazing family, it would truly be a blessing!  We continue to praise God and thank him for Joseph’s full recovery, yet Tai and Joseph need continuious support/assistance in the meantime. Although Joseph is not talking yet, and as I said his eye contact is off and on, but we know for sure he can hear us! When we talk about basketball, Joe starts to move his arms, hands, legs, and his eyes get really big. Joseph also says “Mom” every now and then, the only words he’s said since his injury. About three years ago while we were sitting in his room talking late one night, Joe gave his friends the “Hang Loose” sign with his hands. Something he used to always do when posing for a picture, we immediately pulled our cameras out! Lol! It was so amazing to see the proof of the fight Joe has in his spirit. Joe is with us and continues to work hard every day! He has times when you can see his frustration, but 99% of the time Joseph is maintaining a positive attitude. His facial expressions say it all! Thank you for taking the time to listen to Joes story, and all who have supported and continue to support. If you can’t help, then maybe you know someone who can.  There is so much more we want to say about our amazing friend. From his character, to the multiple battles he has overcome over the past six years. If we continued, this would be a book rather than a letter. Joseph and Tai thank you for your support, time, prayers, and love.  LET'S GO JOE!!!!
 #TeamJoeJoe #GetBuckets
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