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Jessi Flores Daughter Stephanie's Cancer Fund

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Please Help Fund Hospice Care for Jessi Flores’ Daughter Stephanie Nicole

Our first campaign goal which started in July 2020 was to prepare Stephanie Nicole for surgical procedure to stabilize her health and prepare her for the extraction of three (3) cancerous tumors that are growing in her kidney.  From an early age she has been wrought with a multitude of life-threatening physical ailments which severely hampered her physical development (see “Stephanie Nicole Medical History” below).  In 2019 she was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor mass in her kidney that needed to be extracted but due to her other underlying health problems and the Covid-19 pandemic, surgery was delayed.  Compounded by the fact that she lives in Nicaragua where health services are not as extensive as in the U.S., all that could be done was to ensure that her health condition would not worsen until she can be safely be operated on.

In early September 2021 Stephanie Nicole had an extensive exam to determine if surgery for the removal of the cancerous tumors would be feasible.  After reviewing her last repeated failed biopsy test and CT SCAN, the cardiologist that have studied her case for the past six (6) years has decided not to move forward with her operation and emphasizing a high risk for Stephanie Nicole to survive a simple procedure nor that she would be able to withstand the procedure due to her collapsed lung according to the anesthesiologist.  And due to her weak heart, chemotherapy could not be performed.  

Sadly, her doctors could only recommend Hospice Care for her with special care and attention to begin at once due to her failing health and multiple terminal illnesses and ensure her quality of life until the inevitable. 

Our goal now for this GoFundMe campaign to offer HOSPICE CARE for Stephanie Nicole 24/7 as long as possible and ensure her quality of life.  Due to the Covid Pandemic, she will not be returning to any hospitals but will remain home in Masaya, Nicaragua.  All care and medical services will be given to her at home by contracted professionals however long the time may be.  We ask graciously for donations and prayers.

This fundraiser will help cover expenses for care takers that will be next to her day and night watching over Stephanie well-being.  We are asking humbling for your help to maintain her quality of life and well-being.  Our family do not have life nor any medical insurance.

Donations will be used for the following:  

- any medication prescribed by her doctors and care takers and numerous treatments;

- also bed sheets that need to throw away due to bleeding and body fluids;

- special dietary foods maintain her health stable & purified water to drink. Tap water in Nicaragua is not safe to consume unless boiled;

- oxygen for her portable oxygen tank which has been scarce since Covid19; (A private donation was made for Stephanie Nicole by a dear friend of a machine that produces oxygen from purified water.)

-diapers for daily use and ladies’ protective pads;

-protective disposable wear her care takers will be using while watching her daily;

-inflatable beds for hospice nurse and care takers, towels, and any supplies they need daily;

-extra chairs and lamps;

-travel expenses for medical professionals;  

-hospice nurse salaries.

All the said expenses to date have been covered by donations from dear friends, colleagues, and private owned businesses.  And also, from auctions (held by my Ohana brothers) of my personal artworks.  We truly appreciate all your contributions however big or small.

We also know that not everyone can offer a monetary donation.  We for ask for your thoughts and prayers for Stephanie Nicole as she fights her last battle.  She needs love, light, and all the possible support. We ask graciously to share to everyone you know and friends of Stephanie Nicole’s Phuck Cancer Campaign.  Please share her story and life. And please share her GoFundMe Campaign, and pray for her healing and peaceful transition.

Thank You All
The Flores Family
We love you Stephanie!!!

Stephanie Nicole’s Medical History

-Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) she was born with torn holes in her left and right artery of her heart. Making blood flow difficult to reach her body. It’s a rare condition caused by a combination of four heart defects that are present at birth. This causes oxygen-poor blood flow out of the heart and the rest of the body. Infants and children with Tetralogy of Fallot usually have blue-tinged skin because their blood doesn’t carry enough oxygen. She is experiencing, emotional crying, heart murmur, irritability, poor weight, shortness of breath, bluish coloration of skin and abnormal rounded shape of the nail bed in the fingers and toes.

-Pulmonary Hypertension- the walls of the pulmonary arteries become thick and stiff, and cannot expand as well to allow blood through. Viagra was prescribed to her to help her blood flow. The reduced blood flow makes it harder to pump blood through the arteries. She is currently living with one lung while the other lung has collapsed permanently.

-Hypocalcemia, a calcium deficiency disease which occurs when the blood has low levels of calcium, and Osteoporosis which causes the bones to become brittle. To combat this, she needs to take calcium and vitamin D (injectable) to lower the symptoms.   She is having numbness and tingling in her hands, arms, feet and legs and around the mouth.

-Nephrolithiasis (Kidney Stones) which she is being treated currently and watched carefully by her mother.

-Premalignant three (3) cancerous tumors in her kidney that are growing and could spread to other organs.  Due to Stephanie Nicole’s multiple illnesses surgeons could give permission to extract the tumor mass from her kidney. But not knowing if the premalignant tumors will become malignant.  We have decided to avoid contact with hospitals with the Covid pandemic currently in progress.  She will no longer revisit or attend anymore scheduled appointments until the pandemic clears in Nicaragua.

Stephanie Nicole’s Story

From the young age of 3 months her journey began to surprise everyone.  An American medical brigade of doctors visiting Nicaragua 22 years ago gave her 9 months to live while being hospitalized for 22 days for respiratory infections.

At the age of 4 she was taken to Cuba to have her little heart operated on.  It was denied due to the risk of high mortality. They diagnosed her high risk and she could never be operated on.

At the age of 15 years of age she suffered a nose bleed that led her to another month of hospitalization. She would never be a normal child nor be able to graduate at any grade level. Leaving us to forgo exams to keep updated in her condition over the years and praying along the way she would have a long life. She is so special she has touched many good souls wherever she goes.  She is an inspiration to everyone.

In 2019 she was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor mass in her kidney that needed to be extracted but the Covid19 pandemic forced the delay in surgery.

In early September 2021 Stephanie Nicole had an extensive exam to determine if surgery for the removal of the cancerous tumors would be feasible.  After reviewing her last repeated failed biopsy test and CT SCAN, the cardiologist that have studied her case for the past six (6) years has decided not to move forward with her operation and emphasizing a high risk for Stephanie Nicole to survive a simple procedure nor that she would be able to withstand the procedure due to her collapsed lung according to the anesthesiologist.  And due to her weak heart, chemotherapy could not be performed.  

Sadly, her doctors could only recommend Hospice Care for her with special care and attention to begin at once due to her failing health and multiple terminal illnesses and ensure her quality of life until the inevitable.


  • Anonym
    • $25 
    • 1 yr
  • Paul Trondsen
    • $20 
    • 2 yrs
  • Dietmar Eßer
    • $100 
    • 2 yrs
  • Steve Newman
    • $25 
    • 2 yrs
  • Manuel Porro
    • $100 
    • 2 yrs

Spendenteam: Team PHUCK CANCER (2)

Chris Duque
Kaneohe, HI
Bjorn Elings
Team member

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