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Jeanie's Medical Fund

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***UPDATE JULY 12, 2021***
If you have not heard Jeannie is currently on hospice at her home requiring 24 hour care. It is very difficult for her to speak and she is bed-bound. Her husband is unable to work at this time so he can be there for his wife, while helping to raise their grandson. They need our help! Jeannie would give anything and has given so much to anyone that needs it. She has changed my life and my outlook just by her spirit. 

Always thinking of others first, she is afraid to leave her husband, grandson, and children behind and them being devastated financially because of her disease. It is an unfortunate fact that we will soon lose Jeannie here with us on earth but I ask you to please help give her some peace while she is still here and know that her family will still have a home and a chance to get on their feet when she is gone.

Her attitude has not changed from when she wrote this a few years ago..."I have lived longer then they have expected. GOD has such mercy and grace he is not ready for me yet. Brain cancer is just something I have, It does not define me or describe me, I am still Jean Fogarty Garcia. The expected life of patients of my type of brain cancer is 2-5 yrs. I am going on 9 years now and there have been many complications to many too many to list. Like I said God has been so merciful, and gracious to my family he needs me to talk about him, so am just getting started, it is about God's grace...

My favorite psalm 71:14
But as for me, I will always have hope."

Her hope today is that her friends and their friends can help her family to recover financially and emotionally from their long fight together, so please today give what you can, a supporting comment, a financial donation, a prayer, whatever it may be.

Jeannie has been a friend to so many for so long and will NEVER ask for help...we had to push her to let us do this for them. Because of her medical condition she is no longer allowed to work. The bills have piled up and will continue to without the generosity of others. Jeannie does not like to take "charity" so let's call what we give a gift of love much like she has given us.

Jean has been fighting brain cancer for nearly 10 years with complications between each and every surgery. Now it is back for the third time.  

But now she has lost the use of her right arm. Because she is right handed, even simple tasks such as taking a bath, going to the bathroom even tying her own shoes have become extremely difficult if not impossible. Because of all of the complications and medication, Jeannie has suffered from dizziness, nausea and many incidences of falling down.

Now the effects of the chemotherapy and her seizures that have wreaked such havoc on her physically have now wreaked havoc on her financially and emotionally.  Jean was told last week that she lost her position with the company she worked with for over 27 years. That's 27 years of friendships and friendships not to mention insurance and income, now stripped away by this devastating disease.  

Our dear friend has had her heart broken so many times through this ordeal, but has the type of faith that can move mountains. I believe her faith will be rewarded through the generosity of you!

You have the chance to change her and her family's life by giving them the resources they so desperately need to make sure that they can take care of themselves - just simply pay rent, food and utilities - while she fights for her life.

This is something Jeannie recently wrote: "Well first off, I do not want people saying they feel sorry for me, or good luck with the chemo. I have done this three times since 2008
I have lived longer then they have expected. GOD has such mercy and grace he is not ready for me yet. Brain cancer is just something I have, It does not define me or describe me, I am still Jean Fogarty Garcia. The expected life of patients of my type of brain cancer is 2-5 yrs. I am going on 9 years now and there have been many complications to many too many to list. Like I said God has been so merciful, and gracious to my family he needs me to talk about him, so am just getting started, it is about God's grace...
My favorite psalm 71:14
But as for me, I will always have hope."

No your cancer does not define you Jean, what defines you is your love, your grace, your faith and your example to never let the circumstances of your life diminish any of those! Because of you, many of us will always have hope. What we hope now is that we can give you the gift of taking away financial stress so you can focus on getting well.

You can make a difference in her life! Please help in any way you can.

Thank you!


  • Ann Labuhn
    • $100 
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

John Miller
Wheaton, IL
Jean Garcia

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