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Housing for Loretta Dawn and Blue

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To answer recent questions I have been asked:

Yes, I have registered with agencies in three different cities in North County San Diego, California.  I am on a 9 year waiting list through HUD Section 8 housing vouchers. (9 years?)   I have been registered and assessed for shelters, food banks, and several programs for rental assistance since October 1, 2016. I also have been working as a temp through temp agencies earning $12 to $14 dollars an hour.  (At $14 p/hr you take home $1760 a month. Rent here is $1,000 - 2,000 a month)

  As for a shelter, you are not allowed to bring your pet. You have to be there by 6:30 pm. and leave by 7:00am. (Like being in prison).  You are also on a waiting list and subject to whenever there is an opening.  As for Food Banks; you receive food that needs to be cooked. If you are homeless in a car you receive a day bag consisting of a  bologna sandwich, chips, juice and cookie.  (I'm allergic to bologna).  The majority of the food is expired or within a day or two of being expired.  

I qualify for two assessments for housing/rental assistance.  The first you have to have the rent money yourself and they pay your deposit. The second is called Rapid Re-housing.  The Rapid Re-housing program was approved July 1, 2017. The funds have still to date not been released.  I was asked why I don't move to a cheaper area; it takes alot of money to move.

Do you know what it feels like to sleep in your car praying no one knocks on your window in the middle of the night either to arrest you or assault you?  Having to constantly move around because otherwise you are considered to be loitering or a vagrant. It costs money to drive around.  When you are homeless you are considered to be an alcholic/drug addict/and have mental health issues. That is not true of everyone.

I decided to try GoFundMe because I have been waiting since October 1, 2016 for help.  Blue and I need help now not six months or a year from now. We deserve to have the basics in life and the opportunity to contribute to society and live a reasonably good life.  

Please reconsider and help us.

Hello, my name is Loretta Dawn and I am Homeless.  I am asking for help for myself and my female cat, Blue.  I lived in New Zealand for 18 years and when my Father passed away in August 2015 I decided to move home.  With the little bit of inheritance money I paid off my debts and moved Blue and myself back to California. I have had Blue since she was 5 weeks old. She had been dumped off the highway above the house I was renting in New Zealand. (Most likely because she was a ginger cat, considered to be a boy, and whoever had her dumped her),  Blue wandered down to my house and my other cat Nakaia found her.  As a kitten I always felt she was a little girl, we developed a very special bond. One that I have never experienced with any of my other pets. When I took her to the vets to be spayed the vet confirmed for me she was in fact a little girl. Rare because most Ginger cats are male.  Nakaia passed away a couple years after Blue came along. Nakaia was 15, and the 3 of us were a family.  Anyway this is how Blue and I came together.

When I moved home Blue travelled from Christchurch, New Zealand to Dallas Texas in cargo and flew fine. Then from Dallas to the East coast in a canvas cat carrier inside the airplane with me.  While flying to the East coast people on the airplane thought I was some crazy lady talking to my suitcase.  When I finally noticed everyone was watching me I picked Blue's carrier up and introduced her to everyone on the plane.  Then everyone began to laugh and some came up to meet her. They couldn't believe how calm, laid back and friendly she was.  They couldn't believe she wasn't scared and crying.  We spent 2 weeks on the east and then flew to San Diego where I wanted to live again in Carlsbad, California.  I had a best friend here who didn't have room for Blue and I at the time but her younger sister did.  Her sister is a 3 time cerebral brain hemorage survivor.  Who, unbeknown to me,  has become a severe alcoholic and drug addict.  We lived there 5 months and during that time the younger sister set the garage on fire 3 seperate occassions.  The last night we were there the younger sister came into the kitchen drunk and high and tried to take over my cooking myself a meal when she set the dishtowel on the stove and it caught fire! We had words and she called her sister, my best friend, and my best friend came over and threw Blue and I out.  I have been homeless since May 2016.  I have been living in my car since. I have applied for every available program to the homeless to get us off the street. I have worked through a temp agency since November 2016 for $13.50 per hour. That is not enough to be able to save to pay first, last, and security deposit. I have tried! It doesn't work.  Now I am in between jobs and have been applying for permanent positions also and so far have been unsuccessful. However, I haven't given up hope.  It is summer here in California and it's 75 to 90 degrees on any given day. Too hot to keep any animal in a car.  I am asking for help because I cannot do this on my own anymore.  Blue is my baby, the only thing I have left that I truly love and hold dear.  I have to get us out of the car and into our home so I can work and know she is safe and happy. Agencies want me to surrender her for adoption.  I will not seperate us again.  I did that from November 2016 up til a month ago when I realized the woman taking care of her was abusing her. Blue was so traumatized that I pulled her out and she is back in the car with me.   She's turning back into the cat I know and she's just so happy to be with Mama again.  I love my beautiful Ginger Blue and need help getting us a home now, not 6 months from now.  

Another reason for my campaign is that I have damaged both Rotor Cuffs in my shoulders. I had an MRI done last month and on August 10th, 2017, my Doctor told me I need surgery asap.  I can not have surgery, while living in my car with a cat.  The money I am campaigning for will pay for first, last, security deposit, storage to get our personal items, move us into a home and the three months rent required to heal and reabilitate. I cannot do all of this on my own.

Please if anyone can find it in their heart to help us, we both would be so grateful and appreciative. If we can get a home, have the shoulder surgery, then I can go to work and know when I come home at night my Blue will be there safe and happy waiting for me. 

I know my story is long, but if you have read this, Thank You for taking the time to do so.

Please help us to have the basics and the opportunity to have a normal life again.

Loretta Dawn and Ginger Blue


  • Anónimo
    • $100 
    • 6 yrs


Dawn Arquilla
Encinitas, CA

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