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Please Help Save Our Home

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We are desperately trying to save our home from foreclosure as a result of me losing my job after the company I worked for Concept Electric went bankrupt unexpectedly.

Why am I in this position you may ask,  well after living in Bali Indonesia for several years following my dream that did not work out I returned to Canada and worked hard in hopes to bring my new family I in Indonesia to Canada, during this time I supported them and applied for their Permanent Residence and my maternal son's Canadian Citizenship. While I was working to get my family here we had a few bumps in the road or much bad luck.

Since 2012 while trying to get my family to Canada and supporting them and building a foundation in Canada for them, and saving/purchasing our home. I have had 3 employers that have failed us, 2012 my first employer upon returning went bankrupt leaving me without wages amongst other costs, 2017 my employer restructured due to the economy and cut my salary by 2/3 leaving me struggling to care for the family or myself, during this time my wife and stepson received their PR (Permanent Residence) and my maternal son did not receive his Canadian Citizenship. My wife and stepson had to enter Canada before their PR expired in September 2016 and I went and picked them up to come to Canada, sadly my maternal son at 6 years old had to stay behind in Bali Indonesia as we had not received his Canadian Citizenship, for the most part he stayed with the housemaid as we had mo family in Bali, this was a very stressful time for our son and us. Six months later I sent my wife back to Bali to be with our son, we continued to struggle with the Canadian Government to get my son his Canadian Citizenship, finally DNA tests were performed and he received his citizenship and I went to Bali and got him his Canadian Passport and him, his mom and I returned to Canada May 14th, 2018 after I spent thousands of dollars to get them to Canada. Upon returning and spending all I had and help from family and friends financially we thought we would have sunny days ahead. However, on July 10th, 2018 just over a month after my return my employer Concept Electric went bankrupt suddenly. I was definitely not prepared or in the financial position after just spending all I had to get my family to Canada. I tried to make arrangements with my Trust Company on the payments however they only allow a payment to be 20 days late and start foreclosure thereafter, thus here I am struggling to care for my family and save my mortgage.
I have just started a new job on August 20th and made my mortgage payments are caught up and current. However, I have outstanding fees and legal fees that have piled up due to the Trust Company initiating foreclosure that must be paid to stop the foreclosure of our home.
This is most devastating as the boys start school in just days and this will  affect them by having to relocate to a new school and have to make new friends, additionally I will never have an opportunity to own a home again as I'm 54 years old, wh will give me a mortgage when I'm 60. Additionally, should foreclosure continue the lawyers will likely surpass the equity in the home, this will result in the law firm garnishing my wages a few months down the road and continuing a vicious circle of heartache. The best option after seeking much legal advice is to pay to keep our home, which we would love to be able to do.

I have just days to raise $2,700 to make a $9,700 payment September 4th, I have to pay the balance of just over $7,000 before September 15th to stop foreclosure, otherwise, the lawyers for the trust company will continue with foreclosure and take our home.

Please help if you can and share our plea today.

Thank you!


  • Ken Rakowski
    • $50 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • Pam FMC
    • $134 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • Brian Corbiell
    • $380 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $500 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $2,300 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs


Art van Meeteren
Chestermere, AB

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