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Helping Jen and Andrew

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Hello world.  My name is Randi.

I'm setting up this Gofundme for my dear friends, Jen and Andrew. 

She's a kind, caring, devoted mother and wife.

He's a sweet, responsible father and husband.

And they've had some problems.  Andrew is sick - really sick, mentally.  Doctors still aren't sure what's wrong.  Medications to stabilize his mood and stop the delusions aren't working, and in most cases, have made things worse.  He's been in a psychiatric ward for nearly two months.  The mental break and collapse came out of nowhere.  No trigger.  No warning.  Just one day, Andrew as we knew him, was gone.

Jen, for her part, is doing the best she can.  She's gone from being a set of parents to essentially a single mother in a very short time.  And it's been working with us rallying to watch Aiden, do laundry, grab groceries, and pitch in.  

But bills still come.  The mortgage still needs paying.  Food and school supplies need to be purchased.  And Jen has gotten to the point where she can't do this alone anymore.

All I'm asking is for some help.  I don't expect this to go viral and raise tons of money.  I just hope that, together, we can raise enough to let Jen stop worrying for a bit.  To pay the mortgage for a few months.  To get some money saved again.  To buy Aiden new things for school.  To simply keep the lights on and food on the table.

So please, if you can spare it, donate.


  • Anthony Flores
    • $25 
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Randi Purdy
Santa Rosa, CA
Jen Morgan

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