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Help Veteran John Swartzenberg pay medical bills.

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Why the go fund me? Because my parents would never ask and never admit that their medical bills from my fathers stroke and the latest issue that has him hospitalized yet again, are piling up. Because they have dedicated time, money, and efforts to every cause you can think of for their entire lives and always put everyone else before themselves. They are two of the most selfless people I’ve ever known. The V.A. Has stepped in and covered a huge portion of the medical debt, which has been a blessing beyond what you could imagine. We are all so grateful to the VA and the aides and nurses who have worked tirelessly by my father's side. But there is still debt. Medical debt not covered by the VA. The surcharges, fees, money spent on gas driving to and from home to hospitals for months, debt to make their home handicap accessible, debt from meals on the go, debt in places you don’t even consider until you’ve been in this position. And simply because, my parents are two of the most deserving people in this world. Thank you for caring and thank you for giving/sharing. If sharing is what you are able to do, just know that is enough. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, from my family and from my mother and father who will be grateful beyond measure- even though they would NEVER ask.

My father is an exceptional human being. A friend to all, generous beyond what most are capable of, and an all around bright light in this world. Anyone who knows my father personally knows his character and remembers him for his hilarious sense of humor and notoriously laughable (yet terrible) dad jokes. This man has overcome more in his life than most people could begin to imagine. He would be the last person to talk about, or admit, that he could use a helping hand because that’s who he is. Between his stubborn and hardworking nature and all that was instilled in him during his time as a Marine and Vietnam Vet- he has fought the toughest battle in both stride and humility.

This year in March he suffered a major hemorrhagic stroke, that by all means should have and could have ended his life, or at least left him mostly incapacitated. The doctors were in awe of his will to live and his will to fight. After seven months of being hospitalized, he beat all odds and is learning to walk again, and his speech is phenomenal considering. But more impressive is his spirit. This man has inspired me to be a better person and he probably doesn’t even realize it. Still smiling, still telling jokes, still calling me and my siblings to make sure that WE are ok.

He even refused to make store bought stuffing for thanksgiving dinner and prepared a home cooked meal, tripling the amount of time it would have normally taken him, to feed the likes of 10+ people he invited over. All because they were away from family for the holidays. Not even batting an eyelash at the fact that their pocket books are tight, their retirement savings are not what they used to be on account of this years trials , or his own physical exhaustion.

Then there’s my mother. Her steadfast, loving and kind nature- never faltering. Incredible beyond words. She never missed a day during those seven months- driving 45 minutes one way to make sure he had company Every. Single. Day. She still made time to call us and talk to us kids, to care for her ailing mother, and to stay involved with her church. Her strength and kindness knows no bounds, it seems. She executes it flawlessly and with no expectations of anything in return. I could only hope to be half the person she is some day- both her AND my father- and I hope they both realize this. 

After less than two months of being home my father is back in the hospital with a bowel obstruction and infection. It’s a waiting game at this point- none of us sure what the next step will be- or what any of the incredible risks could mean for my father's health and future wellness. He’s already high risk for surgery, factor in infection and possible kidney failure (which would mean dialysis for the rest of his life) so doctors are avoiding surgery at all cost. So we wait... to find out our next step, for another miracle, for anything. Yet my father and mother FaceTime me and he’s still smiling, still telling me not to worry, consoling ME, assuring me that he will be ok and he will keep fighting. “Don’t cry, honey. I’ll be ok.” The amount of times he has said that to me over the course of a year is astounding. I have found an unspeakable strength through my father's battle this year and it has carried me through some of my own hardships and he deserves to know that.
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  • Leah Mead
    • $50 
    • 5 yrs
Faire un don

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Kimberly Swartzenberg
Sandy City, UT
Laura Swartzenberg

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