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Help us get a Diabetic Alert Dog for Violet

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Violet is a vibrant 4 year old who loves dance, art, horses, and all things 'fancy.' She is an incredible big sister to two year old twins. She is smart and silly and as kind as can be. She was starting to fade and we just couldn't figure out why. After months of worry, we got a name for the disease that was slowly trying to steal her from us- Type 1 diabetes. 
As a 4 month old baby, Violet began having tummy issues that went misdiagnosed until 3 hospital stays later. The only advice we were given in the mean time was to 'stay near the hospital.' Violet's younger sister quit breathing in my arms as an infant and was rushed by ambulance to the hospital. I know all parents worry and we, too, are no stranger to worry.. I can't even begin to tell you how many nights I've laid awake in fear of what could go wrong and trying my best to trust that it wouldn't. But now this. 48 hours after this diagnosis, this giant mountain seems almost unclimbable. We have so many questions: How will we help her understand that we are trying to help her, not hurt her with all the shots (4 daily) and finger pricks (another 4)? How will we trust that she is safe under anyone's care other than ours? How will we trust ourselves to get it right every single time, day in and day out? How will I feed her and her (very busy) little sisters while making sure I know each and every morsel that makes it in to her mouth? How will we keep her organ functioning so she can live? And on top of it all, how in the world will we ever truly rest?

We now know Violet's body was not allowing her to get any of the nutrients she was consuming so she was essentially starving no matter how much she ate.  Our goal is to help her pancreas function correctly through the use of insulin. Too high of a blood sugar level long term can cause serious damage. However, blood sugar dropping too low can have immediate, deadly consequences. My biggest fear is that she will hit a low while she is sleeping and no one will know. And this is where the Diabetic Alert Dog comes in. The dogs are trained to recognize the scent of a high or low and alert us accordingly.

I can't take it away from her. I can't fully protect her from her own body. But I can try my absolute hardest to put every safety measure in place to make sure that my beautiful daughter gets the chance to do every single thing her heart desires. One of the safety measures we feel could make a difference is getting her a Diabetic Alert Dog.  I have to know when I close my eyes, someone else is watching. The Diabetic Alert Dog would allow us help get a little rest so we can have a clear mind to prepare to fight this battle every day.  I've read many articles where the alert dog saved a child's life by waking parents up during the night and have heard from others with a dog who say it can alert thirty minutes BEFORE their monitor.

The price of a Diabetic Alert Dog is around $15,000. I know that seems incredibly high, but considering all that goes in to a Diabetic Alert Dog, it makes sense. The dogs are put through rigorous screenings to see if they will even be able to be a service dog.  Then trainers spend months, sometimes years working with the dogs. Then the trainers come help the dog and family adjust. 

If you are able to donate, we would be forever grateful. However, prayer is just as powerful and we appreciate all of those as well.


Amongst all the many emotions we've felt in the past few days, we still know who is in control. My sweet girl loves Lauren Daigle and sings along to almost every song. Even in her hospital room, I almost thought we were at a praise concert. 

"You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing, you say I am strong when I think I am weak, [...] you say I am yours and I believe"

We do believe and right now, we dont feel strong but we know who is.


  • Anônimo
    • $200 
    • 4 yrs


Julia Piner Ahlschlager
Greenville, NC

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