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Help Us Create the Star River Temple

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Here is the beautiful music video of the song "Starlight" by Kosmic T . This song is the Star River anthem and transmits the essential vision and mission of this project. Kosmic T (aka Tanin) has also been a huge contributing force in this project. Thank you also to Tim Hicks for his beautiful photography and Andre Galactic for his video mastery!






STAR River Sanctuary’s mission is to love and serve all of our relations.


STAR- Service To All Relations


River of Life- The great flow of Creation- As above, so below.


We are raising $77,000 for the creation of a dedicated gathering space.


What we estimate we need to fully build the temple, as soon as possible:


$23,000 for the second ½ of the dome including delivery (we need this ASAP).

$18,000 for the 4 season insulation package.

$10,000 for access and excavation of the site.

$8,000 rental of mini-crane, scaffolding, and minimal professional help (most all labor has already been offered by dear friends who are skilled craftsmen)

$10,000 base for the temple

$5,000 for entry way and all ability access

$2,000 for backjacks

$3,000 for lights and electrical line

$777 wood stove pipe


For a total of= $77,777





Our Vision:


Star River Sanctuary is here to support our community to nourish the renewal, reconnection and reverence for nature through deeply immersive Earth honouring ceremony, sacred reciprocity with the great web of life, regenerative land stewardship, and wilderness skill based learning. Star River Sanctuary is a multidisciplinary healing center in the heart of the Kootenays, British Columbia with three pillars of purpose: organic gardens (regeneration), wilderness programs (reconnection), and healing retreats (renewal).

And we need your help to begin the temple building phase and have a place to gather and grow the medicine of our ALL OF OUR Hearts.....



What inspired this project:


Sometimes we glimpse a spark within the limitless field of possibility, a seed of potential that is so beautiful that it calls our hearts, our minds, our very souls to go beyond our previous concepts of what our lives can be. This is an undeniable call from the Great Mystery and requires we gather our power and courage, to make a Quantum Leap of Faith and dive into the unknown. This leap of faith requires us to be all in! It would be so much easier to let the vision die or say “maybe someday I am not ready, it is way too scary”. Something in us knows that the path of Beauty, our wellspring of expansion, and the heretofore untapped vast aquifers of creative expression lay in the direction of the Leap.


It was such a vision, glimpsed over and over through the last four years, that has guided us in our quiet moments of practice, communion, and shamanic dreaming into the manifestation of “Star River Sanctuary.” This vision is so radiant in Love, that we became enchanted and its seed potential began to consume more and more of our consciousness. It is a vision whose time has come, and its Spirit would not be quiet or ignored. Also our community is growing. Every month we have more referrals and we cannot serve all those who wish to come and experience the medicine of the Heart or learn the ancient wisdom ways of the Mesa, because we have not had a consistent dedicated place to gather and build our collective medicine. Something magical and powerful is happening in our Ayllu (sacred community) and this magic is calling more and more to come for true and deep Healing based in our "Resource and Empowerment" based model. We wish to be able to serve all who feel the call, and in order to be able to do this, we recognized that we needed to step up to the challenge and outrageous responsibility of building and stewarding this sacred Sanctuary and Temple space on behalf of our local and global Ayllu.


Star River Sanctuary has been like an archetypal force that awakened in our lives, energizing us to direct all of our creative focus, disciplined imagination, industrious action, personal wealth, and waking life for the foreseeable future towards its birth and nurturance. This seed of inspired Beauty is calling us to step out and up, into the next revolution on the spiral of our individual/collective contribution to the Great Work. It’s a faith walk like no other we have encountered.

As a global family we are living in such a big, challenging, potent time of change. All of our human systems and many of our ecological systems are moving into greater Chaos. It is within the chaos that the seeds of the New Earth are being germinated. These seeds have been hidden within each of us by our bodhisattva ancient/future selves, buried like a Vajrayana dharma treasure called “terma”, awaiting the time and conditions to finally break open with powerful new growth. As we glimpsed the golden seed of potential that is “Star River Sanctuary” the greatest impact of this vision has been seeing that our current selves (each and everyone of us) cannot yet comprehend the magnificence of who and what we are becoming. We truly are the ones we have been waiting for and we are the ones our ancestors have been waiting for. Star River Sanctuary is a dedicated place for this inner potential to blossom.


Years ago we began making our prayerful offerings for the actualization of this Temple. We have been praying for clarity, guidance, receptivity, prosperity, support and for the land to find us. We made prayers through an offering ceremony known as a despacho, each new moon and full moon, each equinox and solstice to help us align to Divine Will on our sacred paths of service and the birthing of this Temple (as well as all of our service work and on going personal healing.) We included these prayers and on our annual pilgrimages to the Andes of Peru to the sacred Apus of the Pachakuti Mesa tradition. We even went so far as to follow the tradition of building a replica in stone at Apu Pachatusan of this future temple with our young daughter (which was so fun:) We knew that this temple and land would be near Nelson, BC, for the blossoming of the profoundly radiant and receptive Chaska Mayu Ayllu (Star River Collective) and take one more step in the fulfillment of the Eagle and Condor prophecy.




It was a wild experience to feel such a big energy and potential descending into our lives. We knew then that the time had come to begin to devote ourselves entirely to “landing” this vision, and with the help of the BC and Canada Covid restrictions, we had an abundance of time when we would usually be traveling abroad. We used this enforced “grounding” to instead do the nitty gritty of working with professional consultants, writing a 120 page mission, vision, criteria list, grants, loans, and business plan. As well as begin to seriously look at how we could practically manifest this vision through land, finances, and future planning. Since that time we have been in a very fast moving stream of the great river of life. It’s been an intense ride through quick flowing rapids! After 7 straight months of applied focus and industrious right action on June 29th we moved to the most beautiful and welcoming land for the birth of “Star River Sanctuary” only 10 minutes outside of Nelson, BC.


We now call home the most beautiful wild mountain oasis on Crystal Mountain (yes the actual name of the mountain). This 17 acres is held in the wild forest backing on hundreds of kilometres of protected provincial park. The previous caretakers lived here for 49 years building and nurturing breathtaking cultivated flower gardens and fully operational organic micro farm to feed guests, 30+ mature fruit trees, the most delicious berries in the world, an established retreat area (that has good bones for our future vision), and multiple dwellings for additional heart family. The water is pure and so abundant flowing! Green, green, green everywhere. The pollinators and song birds have moved here, called by the vast perennial flower gardens. Never have we visited a place of such natural abundance and collaborative beauty with nature.

The garden's magnificence is beyond description.

There is great medicine and potential here.



As stewards of this place, we also just signed ourselves up for a HUGE amount of work in maintaining all that has been grown here, and at the same time integrate the vision of “Star River Sanctuary" into the living fabric of this ecosystem. The one thing it does not have and that we need, as soon as possible so that we can serve this community, is a temple space for teaching and healing ceremonies. What we have chosen for our initial teaching and workshop space aka the STAR Temple, is a 36ft Pacific Dome. This will be nestled on a platform in totally privacy within the beautiful forest of Crystal Mountain. We have placed some examples of these domes that inspired this to be our initial teaching/workshop space on site. These domes are practical, easy to construct, and movable, blank canvases for creativity to be expressed.

A month and a half ago we were working through the sale of our previous home and the purchase of this property, aligning our investments and working out the inevitable kinks along the way, we had a rough reality hit us. We realized that due to some significant unexpected costs that we do not have the funds to fully pay and build our Star Temple which will be a constructed Pacific Dome. We had the money and then it had to be redirected to purchasing this place. Our partially paid for, epically cool, 4 season shelter dome, and is ready and now waiting for us. We just don’t have the moola to get it from Oregon to BC and built. Everyday it sits in storage, we are charged $75 USD.

"If you build it, they will come......"

As we stressed and prayed about this, the message that we received is that this temple space is not “ours” it is a vision that we are devoting ourselves to for the greater Heart Inspired Community and our global Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. It is way bigger than any two people, which is what makes it so Beautiful. We are building this for the awakening, remembrance, reconciliation, and reclamation for all who heed the clarion call of the Great Work and as a centre devoted to the blossoming of Heart Medicine & the Pachakuti Mesa Lineage. As it is bigger than the two of us, we actually can't do it alone. The STAR River Temple will only be manifested in the 3-D with the combined energies of our local and global sacred community.



The land is here and ready, now we just need the temple to gather in! Please help us if you can:)

As the humans on the ground it is outside our known comfort zone to be creating and launching this crowdfunding page. First, it's super edgy to actually articulate and share the depth of this process and calling, not knowing how this will be received. This vision is new and tender.

Secondly, this is scary because we are still learning how to receive help and support. At each level of our individual healing journeys, we have been required to face this fear, and recognize that while healing is an inside job, we cannot do it alone. This mission requires all that we have, and it is super obvious that we cannot do this alone. It is such a big learning and one that keeps us right at our individual growth edge.

The actualization of Star River Sanctuary is one big Faith walk for our entire family, and sending this out asking for your support to build this temple, is another huge leap of faith. Please know that any contribution, no matter the amount, will be so deeply appreciated. Your energetic support and your financial support are profound medicine! We have the land and know that if it is in alignment to the highest good, the way will open.

We also are putting the call out for philanthropists who feel aligned to this vision and mission to help build a permanent “7 Generation” Star River temple through a land trust model that will hold the land and temple in perpetuity for the generations to come.

We look forward to the time when the stars, planets, and hearts align, and you are able to come to “Star River Sanctuary” and drink deeply of the medicine that you helped to create, grow, build, and nurture!

We will be here waiting to receive you.

From the depths of our hearts and with so much gratitude and love,


Robin, Darcy, and the Star River Family




What we need to build Phase 1 of Star River Sanctuary


Build the Pacific Dome that will be the initial S.T.A.R River Temple so that we can begin growing this Collective Medicine Beauty this summer!


We are asking for funds right away, because every day the dome is held in storage we get charged $75 USD. YIKES......



What we estimate we need to fully build the temple, as soon as possible:


$23,000 for the second ½ of the dome including delivery (we need this ASAP).


$18,000 for the 4 season insulation package.


$10,000 for access and excavation of the site.


$8,000 rental of mini-crane, scaffolding, and minimal professional help (most all labor has already been offered by dear friends who are skilled craftsmen)


$10,000 base for the temple


$5,000 for entry way and all ability access


$2,000 for backjacks


$3,000 for lights and electrical line


$777 wood stove pipe



For a total of= $77,777



Here is more about this project’s big picture mission, vision, and values



​​Our Mission:


STAR River Sanctuary’s mission is to love and serve all of our relations.



Our Vision:


STAR- Service To All Relations


Star River Sanctuary is here to nourish the renewal, reconnection and reverence for nature through experiential and skill based learning. Star River Sanctuary is a multidisciplinary learning center in the heart of the Kootenays with three main interwoven platforms: regeneration, reconnection, and renewal. Star River Sanctuary has three pillars of purpose: organic gardens (regeneration), wilderness programs (reconnection), and healing retreats (renewal).



We envision a world where people are fully connected to self, other, and the Earth holistically through mind, body, and heart. We see a world in which people are awake to their inherent gifts, health, and joy, living in balance and harmony with the natural world; a world where every being’s needs are taken into consideration, and where gratitude, reciprocity, and reverence for the earth lead our lives. We see a world where all people have the opportunity to connect to the wellspring of health, love, and inspiration found in Mother Nature, and where wise and loving mentors guide children in how to walk upon the Earth lightly and with open hearts.



We understand that having a sanctuary of natural peace and beauty is an essential service at this time of ecological crisis on the earth. Within our culture there is an epidemic of disconnection from nature and we see this as a root cause of the ecological crisis we are facing. At the core of challenges, we as a human family face, is the recognition that all of life is interconnected and interdependent.



We recognize that theory alone is not enough to meet the immense challenges of our generation and the generations to come. Experiential learning and healing in nature ignites creative genius and love of Earth. It is through our connection to nature that we will be guided to sustainable innovations and regenerative practices in the years to come. We must move the class and therapeutic spaces from the four square walls of institutions to the wild places with reverent devotion. Star River Sanctuary will be a place for such learning. There will be residential programs for all ages that focus on nature based outdoor education, ecopsychology, earth honouring animism, and agricultural skill-based learning through our fully functioning organic micro-farm.





Star River Sanctuary exists to love and serve all of our relations as a place of beauty, peace, and re-wilding for the seven generations to come through the conscious:


Regeneration of the natural intelligence and health of our soils to create abundant and resilient food security and foster ecological diversity.


Reconnection to the natural intelligence within Gaia as our greatest teacher, guide, and healer through Earth honouring ceremonial arts.


Renewal of the natural intelligence within our bodies to live in health and well-being with Gaia.


We do all of this through our conscious relationship and sacred reciprocity with the whole of Life. Through growing our spiritual practices and grounding this spiritual compassionate wisdom in right action. We believe that in order to meet the intense challenges we face, we must bridge theoretical and experiential learning and healing.

This style of learning is in the container of what we call “re-wilding” which means to awaken the natural intelligence within. To become fully embodied requires us to heal with the holistic intelligence of Gaia through Earth honouring ceremonial wisdom. To heal we must learn new ways of living and rewrite our habits of disconnection. It is clear we can no longer teach by theory alone; we must provide experiential containers and mentorship for students of all ages to:

  • Experience the beauty and peace of Nature and awaken to their interconnection and interdependence within all life through age-appropriate curriculum and methodologies.
  • Grow individual inner resilience and skillful means with which to meet the unprecedented challenges of this time through nature-based therapy, eco-psychology, and earth-honouring wisdom traditions.
  • Build skill based understanding of regenerative agriculture and farming to build local food security;


  • Dana Wilson
    • $2,222 
    • 2 yrs
  • Joan McDougall
    • $100 
    • 3 yrs
  • Pauline Saade
    • $33 
    • 3 yrs
  • Byron Rot
    • $250 
    • 3 yrs
  • Lindell Flynn
    • $111 
    • 3 yrs


Robin Cory Flynn
Nelson, BC

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