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Help Raimaa and her family evacuate from Gaza

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kind souls,

My name is Raimaa, a 23-year-old from Gaza Rafah. I come to you with a story of survival, resilience, and an urgent plea for help.On that fateful night of October 9th, tragedy struck my family and me in the cruelest of ways. As we slept peacefully in our home, it was mercilessly bombed, leaving us trapped beneath the rubble.

The horror of that moment still haunts me – the chaos, the screams, the desperation.In those harrowing hours

we lost two beloved family members: my father and sister.

Their lives were taken away, leaving a void that can never be filled. But amidst the rubble and the tears, there was a glimmer of hope – the tireless efforts of rescuers who worked tirelessly to free us from the debris.After three agonizing hours, I emerged, battered and broken, but alive.

However, the scars – both physical and emotional – run deep. The trauma of that night haunts me every waking moment, a constant reminder of the fragility of life in Gaza.Today, I stand before you with a simple yet desperate plea: help me and my family escape this cycle of violence and uncertainty. Gaza is no place to call home anymore – it's a war zone where death lurks around every corner, where dreams are shattered, and futures are stolen.Your generous contributions will enable us to evacuate Gaza and seek refuge in a place where safety is not a luxury but a fundamental human right.

Every dollar, every share, every act of kindness brings us one step closer to a life free from fear and despair.Please, help us write a new chapter – one filled with hope, peace, and the promise of a better tomorrow. Together, we can make a difference, one life at a time.Thank you from the depths of my heart.

With love and gratitude, 


Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Raimaa Qishta
Louisville, KY
Jennifer Colon

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