Photo principale de la cagnotte


Don protégé

​​ Initial Goal 10,000.00
To all who in some way have supported me through this nightmare.. ... I just want to let you know I am doing much better... A month later I have things almost back to some workable situation....Still dealing with tons of unpicked up8p debris.... which causes horrible smell and armies of bugs.... dangerous but we don't go out at night when it is at it's worst... I plan toj send out personal thank you's. But too busy with everyday survival right now....Please still keep us in your prayers....I am hoping for electricity by Dec... I am still emotional of all the love I receive on a daily basis. I don't have internet....but ever so often a bunch of messages get through. I even can get FB sometimes late in the evening.....and a miracle will happen and I can get a call thru...

Enjoy your lives and don't take anything for granted. Don't give 45 any energy......Hopfully I will see some of you by Spring...... That is my hope... Ms. Aida is blessed to have you in her life.... Good Night....     

We are well over halfway there!! Now is the time to make a big push and reach our goal!

Many of us have been in touch with Aida – cell service and electricity permitting – and know that Aida, her sisters and her mother are all coping with the situation facing them with strength and resolve. Your love is one of the major things that helps keep Aida going ---as she is quick to point out whenever we speak. In fact, with all that she is facing, Aida is concerned about sending thank you notes to each of you personally --- we have assured her that there will be time for that once her situation is stabilized.

Your love of Aida is making a difference -- your messages on Facebook, your donations and your support of Aida is testament to Aida and her impact on us all.

Lets cross this initial finish line together! Share this wide as far, and we will too.

With love and admiration,

Julie and Brad

P.S. Here’s the plan for the money raised:

In the short term we are se getting cash to Aida – with electricity down and only facilities with generators (and fuel) having power, the systems we rely on for transferring funds, making credit card purchases, etc. are currently unavailable.

We have found a way to get cash directly to Aida for a few immediate needs

The HELP MS AIDA campaign funding will:

1. Help Aida get her home put back together: HER ROOF, FENCE, YARD, AND WALLS SUSTAINED DAMAGE. Her roof is a priority. Aida is currently praying for no rain and hoping for a tarp fron FEMA.

2. Help fill the gaps in food, water and other necessary supplies for Aida and all the people for whom she and her sister are caring as the island infrastructure gets restored.

All funds raised will be linked to Aida’s bank account once banking options are restored. Your contribution to this effort – large or small will make a direct difference in the day to day and long term for our dear friend.

Thank you so very much!
Faire un don


  • Else Grotrian
    • $50 
    • 7 yrs
Faire un don


Brad Barnes
Atlanta, GA

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