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Help for Harry’s Heroes

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Harry is 6 years old and lives in Kinsale, Co. Cork with his mam, dad and sister Chloe (4). Harry was diagnosed with Autism at 3 and has just completed 3 years of Early Intervention across Shine (Centre for Autism) and Sonas (Special Junior School) in Carrigaline, before he will attend primary school in Kinsale this coming September. In this period, Harry has also attended the Rainbow Club Centre for Autism, who provide key intervention needs, support and services to children diagnosed on the Autism spectrum.

Children on the Autism spectrum all have varied needs, of which Harry is no different and he has relied on the intervention and support provided across Shine, Sonas and the Rainbow Club to help develop and advance his needs. All have significantly helped in developing Harry into the young boy he has become and we are massively indebted to them all for the fantastic work they have done with Harry and continue to do for so many children.

To help repay Harry’s gratitude to Shine, Sonas and the Rainbow Club, beginning Tuesday July 7th, Harry will be looking to cycle 3km a day for 33days (~100km) and in doing so, raise some much needed funds for these three very worthy causes. All three have been massively impacted by COVID and unfortunately many planned charitable events have been cancelled due to the pandemic.

Harry would greatly appreciate your support along this journey and will be taking on a number of routes across Kinsale, Carrigaline and Cork City & County with the now added challenge of traffic! COVID has enabled Harry to begin to cycle on roads, however the traffic provides an added challenge for him to overcome. Harry hopes to raise as much money for such great causes over this period, whilst also raising awareness for children on the Autism spectrum.

Whether a plug or a donation, Harry would greatly appreciate people's support  across his challenge. Updates will be posted on progress and he looks forward to seeing some of you at the finish line to celebrate the end of his challenge.

Links to Shine, Sonas and the Rainbow Club can be found below:

Rainbow Club Centre for Autism: http://www.rainbowclub.ie/


Shine Centre For Autism:

Kind regards,
Team Harry


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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt