Help Chelsea Manning Pay Her Court Fines
WE MET OUR GOAL! Thanks everyone who donated and shared! Seriously we are so immensely grateful for the resounding support and solidarity.
If you would still like to make a contribution you can contribute to this fundraiser for Chelsea's rent and living expenses:
*Note: This is the official campaign raising funds for Chelsea Manning's legal fines.
This campaign is being organized by her friend Kelly Wright. Funds raised here will be used only to pay legal fines, and will be held in trust for this purpose alone.
Either way, every penny will go towards these fines.*
Chelsea E. Manning is a network security and artificial intelligence expert, and activist. She is a former military intelligence analyst and political prisoner.
Chelsea was incarcerated at Alexandria Detention Center for nearly a year, due to her principled refusal to testify before a federal grand jury investigating the publishers of her 2010 disclosures. She was also fined $1,000 for each day she refused to testify, and those fines now total approximately $256,000.
On March 12, 2020, Judge Anthony Trenga ordered Chelsea Manning's release after the apparent conclusion of the grand jury, but he further ordered that she pay $256,000 in fines that had accumulated over the course of her confinement.
Chelsea does not have the means to come up with over a quarter million dollars on her own, and is exhausted from this ordeal, and can really use your help repaying these fines.
Thanks so much for your support!
If you are interested in offering an in-kind donation or other support, please e-mail: [email redacted]
To learn more about Chelsea, check out her Twitter and Medium pages and the ReleaseChelsea.com website.