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Help 10yr old Brooke get specialist treatment

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** Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @DoitforBrooke ** Brooke is the happy, beautiful, talented daughter of our dear friends Lisa and Daniel, and older sister to Amelia. Our families have become the best of friends since meeting when Brooke and my daughter, Olivia were just 6 weeks old.  

In April 2019, the family received the devastating news that Brooke has a tumour on her brain stem. Brooke has been receiving care at Southampton General Hospital and will shortly start a 6 week intensive course of treatment to shrink the tumour at University College London Hospital, in the hope that this will alleviate some of the symptoms that she has developed.

The care that they have received so far has been invaluable, however, in order to keep all options open, we need to expedite her treatment to ensure the best outcome for this young girl, whose diagnosis is rare.  The next phase of treatment is yet to be determined but as you can imagine, we are looking into every possible treatment available, including pioneering research that may take them overseas or into the Private Medical sector. 

As you can only imagine, the family are desperate to fund this treatment.  They need to see their daughter continue to live her life as any 10 year old should.  

Please, please, help - anything - no matter how small.  Your donation will help and will be very much appreciated.  

This money will be used to fund the treatment, assist the family with living costs (the parents are self-employed) and ultimately by participating in this trial, Brooke is actually contributing to the fight to beat this for not only herself, but for other children in the future too. 

Lisa and Daniel have a wonderful support network and as a community we are positive that we can all dig deep and play a vital part in the fundraising required, but we also need your help too.

We will update you with news of fundraising events and opportunities in the very near future, in the meantime, please give as much or as little as you can.

Thank you for reading this story, your support would be very much appreciated.

Suzie x


  • Adam Nicholls
    • 200 £ 
    • 4 ans

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Suzie Beadle
Daniel Leavey

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