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Heidi's Cancer Treatment

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For those of you who are unaware, my mother Heidi was diagnosed with stage four Melanoma in 2009.  The doctors found that it had also spread into her lymphatic system, and the long term prognosis did not look promising.  Heidi was able to have the melanoma and lymph nodes removed, and underwent immunotherapy treatment. There were many complications following her procedure, but Heidi was able to overcome them.  While the risk of recurrence was severely high, God blessed Heidi with seven cancer free years.

This leads me to today’s update, and the reason for starting this Go Fund Me page. Unfortunately, in May of 2017, Heidi suffered an MCL injury at work.  After several denials from the WA State Department of Labor and Industries, she was able to get approvals for an MRI and X-rays of her knee.  Not only did these tests confirm the MCL injury, but revealed additional concerns about an unidentified lump.

The past five months have been spent dealing with the L&I claim, physical therapy, countless doctor’s appointments, needle biopsies of the lump, two full body PET scans, and a brain scan.  Due to the lack of communication between multiple doctors, and two separate insurance companies, frustration levels have been elevated.  Additionally, the financial ramifications of these tests and appointments have been a huge stressor.

After a huge test of patience, we finally have the information, insurance approvals, and scheduling assistance we need to progress with Heidi’s surgery and treatment.  The Lord has faithfully provided a team of experts for her surgery on Monday, October 16th.  This surgery will include the removal of melanoma, and several lymph nodes that the melanoma has spread to.

Heidi’s post-op care will be very intense.  She will have two or three external drain sites that will have to be emptied multiple times per day.   The lymphatic drainage is very important in the healing process, and can be incredibly painful. We are told that she will be confined to her bed for 4-5 weeks. 

 We will not have confirmation of Heidi’s treatment plan until additional testing is performed on the removed lymph nodes and melanoma.  We would love prayer for patience, understanding, guidance for financing such a huge surgery, pain tolerance, quick healing time, and peace of mind. 

If you would like to make a contribution to help alleviate the costs associated Heidi’s surgery, please feel free to utilize the Go Fund Me link.  We thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and generosity as we move forward!

Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions.  I will be updating this page as the information becomes available.

 God Bless,

 Kaleen - on behalf of the entire Skersies Family
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  • Heather Souder
    • $20 
    • 5 yrs
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Kaleen Robin
Seattle, WA
Leonard Skersies

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