Photo principale de la collecte de fonds

Hanoi Learning Centre for Disadvantaged Children

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GOAL: $50,000 AUD

Imagine having to send your children out to the streets to work so your family has food on the table and a roof over their heads. Imagine if your child was kidnapped, sold into slavery, and rescued only to have spent so much time outside the education system that it feels impossible to return.

Many children in Hanoi, Vietnam, miss out on an education due to abject poverty and the pressure for children to work and support their family. This can lead to children living on the streets, facing horrific dangers and lessening the likelihood of ever receiving a proper education and breaking the cycle of destitution.

Children are often rescued from a crisis, helped, and supported by existing organisations in Hanoi to be placed in school. However, due to the lack of facilities or funding, they are very limited in their ability, or unable to provide, a vital transition period, one that prepares the child for the education system.  

How we help

We (Mel & Eli) are looking to establish a ‘step-in’ education centre that can help prepare children to transition into the Vietnamese school system or vocational training.

With your help, we are aiming to provide an engaging learning environment that supports a framework of core lessons, complementing the Vietnamese curriculum. The learning centre, among other services and facilities, will provide:

- An initial assessment service to evaluate the transitional needs of individual children in getting into school, vocational training, or other.

- Qualified Vietnamese teaching staff (including special needs backgrounds).

- Life skills/school behaviour awareness.

- An introduction to IT – fun and engaging learning on desktop or tablet.

- A book library.

- Enrichment group activities – dependent on the needs of individual children.

- Stationery and supplies.
Our intention is to work closely with, and support, organisations that already provide a range of children’s services in Hanoi.

 We are also establishing a social enterprise selling eco-friendly products. Profits made via the shop will go into the learning centre.

Here’s how you can help

Your special gift can help us get this project underway and in full swing by the end of 2020.

Your donation will help fund the following:

- Lawyer fees and social enterprise/NGO registration 
- Finding partners to support us and the children
- Writing applications for funding to support our financial future
- Accountancy fees for initial business advice
- Enterprise overheads
- General startup costs

All children deserve to have an education and your gift will make a huge difference in their lives.

Thank you so very, very much! We’ll keep you posted on how the project is progressing because of your amazing generosity.
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  • Anonyme
    • $165 
    • 4 yrs
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Équipe de collecte de fonds (2)

Melissa Adams
Katrine WA
Eli Duggan
Team member

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