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Help Lorrie with medical bills due to cancer

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In October 2019 my mom got what she thought was bronchitis that lasted until January. In January she started to feel a little better but still had a lingering cough. January through March she frequently missed work due to coughing, not feeling well and headaches. Over that time period she saw multiple doctors who all said it was just bronchitis and she was given antibiotics.

By March 2020 she was very sick again, and with COVID making its appearance she was sent home from work to be tested- which came back negative, but due to her symptoms she was ordered to stay home from work for 4 weeks or until she no longer had symptoms. With the COVID test being negative, she was given more antibiotics at that time.

In mid April she was able to return to work, but was still feeling fatigued, having headaches, and being sent home from work frequently due to coughing and COVID precautions. From mid April to mid June she was tested for COVID three separate times, all coming back negative, given more antibiotics, more steroids, and more cough medicine, but nothing was helping

By the end of June she was sent home from work indefinitely until she could be 3 days "symptom free." By this time she had exhausted all PTO & sick time, making it so that she would be forced to stay home with no pay. 

After all the medications she was given between April and June, and the negative COVID tests, she was finally sent to a pulmonologist in June who ordered a chest x-ray and CT scan, where they found pneumonia, a mass in the right lung and several nodules in both lungs.

In July a biopsy, PET scan, and MRI showed metastatic adenocarcinoma of the lung that had metastasized to the lymph nodes in her neck, right adrenal gland, and brain.

At this time, she is STILL awaiting treatment plan, which will hopefully happen on Tuesday 8/25, but she does know that surgery is not an option for her.

My mom has now been out of work for almost 7 months, and at this point is not sure if she will ever be able to return due to not even being able to function well on a daily basis because of headaches, coughing and fatigue. To add to the fact that she does not have a paycheck right now, she will also have to start paying for insurance starting in September.

As you can imagine it is extremely stressful to not have a paycheck in general, but then add to that thousands of dollars in medical bills. 

Cancer is never going to be an enjoyable experience for anyone, but it would make things much better to not have to worry about how youre going to pay for treatment as well as regular every day bills and life.

If you know my mom, you know that her 3 grandsons and her brand new (born in July) granddaughter mean the world to her. It breaks our hearts that we cant do everything to help her ourselves, which is why we are turning to all our amazing friends and family for that. Any little bit can help. We just want her to be able to have a little less stress in her life and be able to focus on spending time with her family on the days that she actually feels well enough to do so.


  • Anonym
    • $50 
    • 4 yrs
  • Jim Santilli
    • $110 
    • 4 yrs
  • Maria De Simone
    • $25 
    • 4 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $150 
    • 4 yrs
  • Lindsey Londergan
    • $100 
    • 4 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Samantha Butler
Las Vegas, NV
Lorrie Lawson

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