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Help Move Mountains for Jim

Donation protected

God Bless you for taking time to visit this campaign to learn how you can QUICKLY AND SIGNIFICANTLY help to redeem Jim's life!     The total campaign goal, and the information below is current.  All current  funds raised have been spent  or committed.  Thank you.

Jim is a very worthy person of your compassion, as you will discover while reading his story below. Since you are asked to consider donating, you will be greatly satisfied to know who Jim is as a person and how your donation will be used for his great needs.  Thank you for continuing to read.

The greatest need for the campaign is to quickly expand the donor base.  Kindly help by sharing the information about this campaign with persons in all your networks.  Unless you share this information, others will not know about the campaign and have the opportunity to be Good Samaritans to get Jim out of the road and on his way to redemption and healing. 

You can share information by sending to others an email link to the Fargo Forum article from October 6 about this campaign.  This can give validity to the campaign for the persons to whom you will be sending information :

Be sure to inform others that after clicking the link below to the October 6 edition, that they should scroll to page A2. 

Alternatively, if the first link doesn't open, one can try the following link: 

You can send the link through email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.  You can also tell others personally about the campaign. Please tell them why it is important to you that they donate. Please ask them to do the same within all their networks.

  By quickly expanding the donor base, we can get Jim off the streets permanently sooner, rather than months from now.  He's already been homeless for over forty months!  The longer he stays on the streets the more his conditions will further deteriorate.

(This description is undergoing some minor editing on Thursday Oct. 7, please scroll further down to see a picture of Jim, his mother, and  a Concordia friend). Thank you for your understanding.

If you elect to donate, Please send your name and email address to the campaign so we may send you occasional future updates about how Jim is coming along.  As a donor, you will want to know how Jim is progressing. Your email address will only stay in the hands of the campaign and will not be shared with any other person or business.  Thank you.

Send your information through the green "Contact" rectangle box, which is found under the campaign organizer name Dave Vikse below.

Due to technology limitations by GoFundMe, underneath the total donations figure listed it only shows a few donors. This is misleading.  The website had to be reset due to new fund processing needs.  Thus, only the total # of donors for recent donors shows.  However, there were  over 80 previous donations. Those  donation amounts are included in the current TOTAL  dollar amount of  the current goal for donations. Thank you for continuing to read.

Donations really fell off this past year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This lack of donations was also reported by major national charities. Now that society is emerging somewhat  from the pandemic and life is beginning to return to normal, hopefully we can all work together to help save Jim's life.

If you choose to donate, kindly post your name, rather than making an anonymous donation.  By having your name posted, this can encourage others who see your name to also donate.  Thank you for considering.

Response Facilitation Team
Dave Vikse,(Concordia College, Moorhead, MN, Alumnus of Concordia )-Christian businessman
campaign contact/organizer  for this campaign- for

Pastor Mark Orvick (Alumnus of Concordia)- Diamond Lake Lutheran Church-Minneapolis,MN (recently retired from this congregation)
Pastor Brian Wasmoen (Alumnus of Concordia)- Our Savior's  Lutheran Church-Redfield, SD

We are friends of Jim Reinhart and have known him since our days together in college.
Funds donated take a couple of days to be processed by GoFundMe before they are made available to the campaign and then will be sent right away directly to Jim for his needs.
Please read in the separate section later the goals for the campaign and how the funds will be used for Jim's urgent aid.

Jim has fallen through the gaps in the social safety net and needs your help to save his life and restore him to serve society. ALL OTHER OPTIONS to help find aid for Jim with his several unique needs, and potentially life-threatening conditions were explored with no success before this campaign began. Jim has no other support network that is available to help him. He is unable to receive financial aid from federal, state, local governments, or from non-profit groups, including churches.

The State of Texas is much different than Minnesota, North Dakota, and some other states in regards to the funding of social services.  Those states provide vastly more to assist persons, compared to Texas.

All of this is explained in more detail later. This GoFundMe campaign is Jim's only financial hope for redemption.

Please feel free to donate at any time while reading this description by pressing the "Donate Now" button at the top right of this webpage.

Jim's unique situation is complex and complicated, with many components.  So you can be completely informed, kindly continue to read. First, his situation will be concisely described, and more details will be given later for those who want even more details. 

Please be aware at the beginning of this description that the total funds donated are far behind the needs.  All prior funds raised have been spent or committed. Jim's needs are dire and urgent.

If donating  kindly consider to add 3% + $.30 to cover the costs of the credit card processing fee.  EXAMPLE  if you want to donate $1000 to the campaign, then donate $1030.30.  ( before any " tip" you choose to add, which goes to GoFundMe, not to the campaign). $30.30 will be deducted for the processing fee, and your $1000 donation will be sent to the campaign fund where it will then be available to help Jim.

It can take up to 3-5 business days for GoFundMe to process the funds so the campaign can have them to be made available for Jim's needs. 

The picture above the campaign description is a recent one of Jim in his unhealthy state on the streets where he has been homeless in the harsh Texas weather for over forty months.   Contrast that picture to one shortly below of Jim in happier, healthier times.  (The second picture appears later in this description.)

The campaign receives ongoing reports from Jim's Case Management Office.  All of his crisis situation in this description you are reading is verified as urgent and ongoing by the Case Management Office through observation and documentation.  We know of Jim's confidential physical and mental health conditions.

He has debilitating mental illness and physical health conditions that continue to deteriorate in his environment.  He cannot work due to his conditions and cannot afford health insurance premiums.   GoFundMe donations do not count as income.

He functions poorly.  He cannot receive disability aid. He has potentially life-threatening conditions.  Unlike many homeless, Jim has no addictions, confirmed through periodic blood tests and observation.
Unlike many homeless who choose this life and do not want to work, Jim was forced onto the streets. He spent his life savings on healthcare and other needed expenses before this campaign began to help  save his life.   The COVID-19 pandemic has made Jim's crisis worse since February 2020.

He wants to get well, seek employment, and resume his lifelong proven passion for service to others through volunteer service.  There is no appropriate shelter, emergency or otherwise, including non-profit shelter, that is affordable and available for which he is eligible that meets his unique longterm healthcare needs.  As Jim is not able to be employed at this time, with your help, the campaign seeks to raise enough funds  to get him off the streets ASAP into an apartment  or small house with a long-term lease that meets his unique healthcare needs.  As Jim has not been employed to provide guarantee that rent would be paid, the year lease must be paid in advance.

The campaign seeks to pay for all his ongoing  expenses, including healthcare expenses, food, clothing, other healthcare related and justified expenses while he heals.  Once he gets into housing, there will be additional expenses for utilities, etc. This is so he may be restored to health in Spirit, Mind, and Body and then be able to seek employment, and resume his significant service to society.  He needs you and others to give him a boost to restore him to health and service to others.

Jim was in the hospital four times in the last  1 1/2 years with  potentially life-threatening conditions.  He is on the streets in an environment in which he cannot properly get better.  

Please note that the greatest percentage of the total fund goal still needs to be raised very quickly to get Jim off the streets into a safe environment to start to reverse Jim's situation, so the fundraising needs to continue each day. Jim will also be having upcoming urgent  needs.

Please note also that since Jim cannot afford health insurance, that unless sufficient funds are available, Jim is unable to get needed future health services as payment is due at time of service. He also is in great need of dental services. Lack of proper care contributes to his downward spiral in health.  Missing treatments worsens his health. The longer he stays on the streets, the longer his healing will be delayed

More details about Jim and his tragic situation, and the goals for the campaign, are given  shortly below. 

Please feel free to donate at any time while reading this description by pressing the "Donate Now" button at the top right of this webpage.

Jim moves slowly on the streets due to a back problem and was recently targeted by some thugs in an attack this past summer, for a second time in three years.

He has undergone concussion treatment (which is a type of traumatic brain injury)and monitoring for several weeks and is now diagnosed with "Post Concussion Syndrome" (PCS), which means he could possibly continue to have concussion symptoms for several weeks more up to several months, while still being out on the streets.  He has problems with headaches and concentration and memory.

  For a good discussion of PCS,  Google the term along with Mayo Clinic.  Jim has been referred to a Neurologist and  will need further treatment.  As Jim cannot afford health insurance premiums for doctor visits and medicine, costs for most healthcare must be paid at the time of services.  Unless he has sufficient funds at time of services, he must postpone or not receive needed healthcare.

The campaign is in ongoing contact with a social worker/case manager at a treatment facility regarding Jim's overall situation.  The campaign receives ongoing reports to verify all of Jim's needs. We know of his confidential overall situation including his debilitating mental illness and physical health conditions. We know of his great financial needs. He functions poorly. His ongoing situation is confirmed, is urgent and ongoing, and is monitored and documented.  Jim continues to go through great mental trauma and we are very sensitive to his fragile state. Pastor Mark, Pastor Brian, and I also have ongoing contact with Jim to give him emotional and spiritual support.

 We need a great many more Good Samaritans to contribute to the campaign.

⚡After continuing to read this campaign description about Jim and his needs, and the goals for the campaign, kindly consider donating today as generously as you are able, and please tell others ASAP about the campaign.  If you do not have just a few minutes today, please put a note on your computer screen to remind you to come back and read further. Thanks.

Please feel free to donate at any time while reading this description by pressing the "Donate Now" button at the top right of this webpage.

⭐The Emergency Response Facilitation Team are the first responders. I, Dave, and the team have made this campaign to be the emergency vehicle . However, the team cannot save Jim by ourselves.  Now many other Good Samaritans are needed to continue to redeem Jim's life. It is pleaded for you to QUICKLY  tell a great many others in all your networks about who Jim is and how their support of the campaign will help to redeem  his life to restore his health in Spirit, Mind, and Body, and give him hope for continued future service to society. Please ask them to do the same.  That way, the campaign can hopefully "Go Viral", expanding the donor base quickly to meet the needs. Please consider that others who may want to help will not be able to do so unless you inform them.

Pastor Mark and Pastor Brian are unable to solicit funds from their own struggling congregations, due to restrictions on fundraising for causes outside budgeted congregation needs.  They became part of the campaign as they are well-known to encourage others to donate.  I, Dave, Pastor Mark and Pastor Brian each have donated over $4900, both directly to the campaign as well as direct aid to Jim outside the campaign. We are not wealthy. We cannot save Jim by ourselves. We all have recruited other donors. We need a great many others to donate and spread the word to a great many other Good Samaritans who can add to the donor base in order to reach the financial goal.

We have known Jim since our days at Concordia College in Moorhead, MN., where Jim endeared himself to the Concordia and Fargo/Moorhead communities due to his proven passion for leadership in service for many worthy causes.  Before coming to Concordia for additional degree studies, Jim was an outstanding  leader in service to others at The University of Texas at Austin.  And as a youth, he was also involved in significant leadership to serve others. An important fact is that in high school, he was an Eagle Scout and selected as One of the Top Three Outstanding Scouts for the entire State of Texas for his outstanding leadership and service to Scouting and to thousands of citizens in Texas.  This passion for volunteer service continued after college to many causes and thousands of citizens from a cross-section of society.

Jim is an American Patriot who has a proven lifelong passion for leadership in service to thousands of Americans from a cross-section of society. Jim is a very friendly, caring, empathetic, unselfish, compassionate person. Pastor Brad, Pastor Mark and I know that Jim is very worthy of your help for his redemption to return him to health in Spirit, Mind, and Body, and resumed service to society with his passion for volunteer service to others.   We  ask you to be a Good Samaritan to help  save his life and return him to service to society, and also to spread the word quickly to many other Good Samaritans in all of your networks so they too may learn of Jim's tragic situation and want to help.  May God Bless you for continuing to read.

To contact the campaign contact person, use the green rectangle "contact" icon that appears before you opened the "read more"  link when you first opened this campaign page.  Your message will also be shared with Jim. If you want to contact the campaign contact person only, simply state that in your message. If you  have suggestions for how this campaign may be presented better or ideas to help spread the word to others, kindly help Jim by giving your feedback to the campaign.  Thank you.

                                       THIS GOFUNDME CAMPAIGN IS THE ONLY HOPE FOR JIM TO BE REDEEMED.

⭐Jim wants persons who are taking time to read about who he is as a person, and how to help him, to know how humbly grateful he is to you for your time to read about this campaign to redeem his life.  He humbly asks for your help in whatever way you are able.

Before this campaign to help him began, Jim was the unpaid caregiver for his elderly, widowed mother for 26 years.  The last several years it was a fulltime calling, 24/7.  There was no other desired, appropriate, affordable, and available long term care. She could not be left alone but for short periods of time each day.  Therefore, Jim did not  have a job to build up additional savings for emergencies, like now.  He also did not have time to build recent support networks to which he could turn in time of need.  Jim's mother lived many years longer than some doctors had expected, likely due to Jim's excellent care.

After his mother died, he began having health problems preventing him from working that led to spending his life savings on healthcare and other needed expenses. He also could no longer afford health insurance.   Although Jim had planned for emergencies as best he could,lived frugally, and did not overspend, his poor health and several unfortunate circumstances beyond his control led to his homelessness and being out on the streets in the harsh Texas weather for over 40 months.

See the picture below of Jim, his mother, and an Alumna friend from  Concordia College at a  Concordia Homecoming in happier, healthier times.

⭐ We need a great many more Good Samaritans to contribute to the campaign.

Jim's ongoing crisis: Jim has been languishing homeless in the harsh Texas weather on the streets for over 40 months. Jim has no addictions, confirmed through ongoing blood testing and observation at a treatment facility.   He is totally broke, has no ongoing income or health insurance, cannot work at this time, and cannot receive disability aid. He has significant debilitating mental illness and physical health conditions that have continued to deteriorate in his homeless environment for over 3 years. He functions poorly.   

 Also unlike many on the streets who choose that life and do not want to work, Jim was forced onto the streets due to spending his life savings on heathcare and other needed expenses when he could not work, and unfortunate circumstances beyond his control. He wants to get off the streets.  . He wants to get well.  He wants to be able to work again. He wants to resume his lifelong proven passion for volunteer service to others. 

He is unable to work at this time. He has potential life threatening conditions. [Jim has been close to possible death (could have been within 24 hrs) last year due to the combination of several causes due to his homeless life. Fortunately, in the emergency visit immediate treatment was successful. The conditions on the streets that led to his emergency still exist and are potentially life threatening.  He is not now close to imminent life threatening conditions and death, but could again be at ANY time in the future without QUICK help from you and others to intervene ASAP to get him off the streets and reverse his further health decline and start his journey towards healing in Spirit, Mind, and Body and restoration to service to society.

Even being on the streets is life-threatening.  Thugs prey on homeless persons, often looking for drugs to sell.  Sometimes there are even killings of homeless.  As Jim is in a weakened condition and moves slowly due to a back problem, he is particularly vulnerable.  He was attacked by thugs  last year and had some belongings stolen.  Fortunately, he was not very seriously injured, although he hit his head and has been undergoing concussion treatment for several months.   

All of his conditions, mental and physical,  are fully treatable with longterm care, and his health can be restored in Spirit, Mind, and Body. But the longer he languishes on the streets, his health will continue to deteriorate and he will still face potential life-threatening conditions.

⭐More details about Jim's life on the streets and his conditions are given below for those who want to read more details.
This  basic description following will take only about 1 1/2 minutes more. Surely you can spare that time.  God Bless you for continuing to read how to save Jim's life and give him hope for the future.

Please do not let the number of donors listed stop you from donating.   As persons begin to donate,  and most importantly tell others about the campaign, the list will begin to build .  Thank you.

The picture below is of Jim as a young boy when he began his lifetime proven passion for volunteer service to others. Even then, Jim showed that bright-eyed, optimistic, friendly smile and genuine outgoing caring attitude towards others that developed throughout his life. He maintained his boyhood enthusiasm for service to others.  He could not foresee that after a lifetime of volunteer service to thousands, that he would find himself in the most urgent, life-threatening crisis of his life and in need of help from a great many Good Samaritans to redeem his life.  

 ⚡Without sufficient funds raised VERY QUICKLY for effective  intervention, his conditions will continue to deteriorate on the streets to the point he may no longer be able to be saved.

Hello, I'm Dave Vikse, the campaign contact/organizer. Jim has lived a frugal life.  The campaign seeks to help Jim in the most effective ways, based upon his needs and available funds at any given time. The confidential details are known by the team of Jim's  complicated overall tragic situation due to unfortunate circumstances beyond his control, and significant debilitating mental and physical health conditions that continue to deteriorate after over three years on the streets. 

Jim is frugal and is mindful to be a good steward of funds raised. The campaign contact person is in  touch with Jim.  Jim and the campaign also have the guidance of a social worker, to help give feedback to the campaign. Funds must be prioritized based  upon funds available at the time and upcoming needs. The campaign spending is monitored. With no health insurance, Jim must have sufficient funds to pay for and receive future needed services, or services will have to be canceled or postponed. Not receiving needed health care works against him getting healed.
                                                                   ⭐Brief description of the goals for the campaign:

Briefly, the goals for the campaign are to get Jim off the streets ASAP. There is no appropriate shelter, emergency or otherwise, including non-profit shelter, that is affordable and available for which he is eligible that meets his unique longterm healthcare needs.  In addition, there are thousands of homeless in the area due to Hurricane Harvey and the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who have crossed the Texas-Mexico border that have overwhelmed the safety net of available services.

To give Jim the healthy environment he needs in which to heal, with your help, the campaign seeks to pay for a 12 month lease in advance for an appropriate apartment,or small house, as Jim does not qualify for a lease with monthly payments since he has been unemployed.  Jim has thousands in healthcare and other homeless related and justified expenses due to his unemployment that with your help, the campaign seeks to pay while Jim is continuing to get treatments and getting healthy.  Therefore, the greatest percentage of the campaign goal must be raised first in order to get Jim off the streets into an apartment or small house. Then he will also have expenses related to housing, such as utilities and supplies for housing care.  The longer he remains on the streets, his health will continue to deteriorate and he likely will  have even more future expenses due to that situation. If his health deteriorates too much, he may no longer be able to be saved.

At least 12 months of treatments are anticipated. The treatments have been greatly successful with others. Each person responds differently, so the timeline could be even shorter or longer.  With no health insurance, he must have sufficient funds to pay for and receive future needed services. Once healed in Spirit, Mind, and Body, Jim will seek employment, which he greatly desires to do.    He also greatly desires to resume his lifelong passion for volunteer service to others.

                                                                         Jim is worthy of redemption and of your help.

Many persons are ready to donate now after reading just this overview section above.  Please press the donate now button.  Kindly donate as generously as you are able, but any amount will help. 

Please follow the proven and effective ways recommended by the GoFundMe experts below to help this  overall goal to be reached very soon by spreading the word about this campaign to a great many others  For those who want further details, there are separate sections below this overview section with more details you can read.  You can print these GoFundMe suggestions out now for future reference and also share with others you recruit to be part of this campaign.  God Bless you for your compassion and help to spread the word.

After these proven and effective ways by GoFundMe below, follows a section with even more details about Jim as a person and about his life and health conditions on the streets, and about the campaign for those who want even more details.  Thank you.

Please also QUICKLY tell a great many others about this campaign to expand the donor base to raise the needed funds. That is the greatest need for the campaign. The greatest percentage of the campaign fund needs to be raised QUICKLY SO Jim can quickly get off the streets as the 12 month lease must be prepaid.  This is  so that Jim does not have continued deteriorating health on the streets that could lead to  even greater expenses and another encounter with possible death.
Kindly consider donating as generously as you are able, however all funds will help.

The GoFundMe campaign experts urge certain proven and effective methods to spread the word to others so the donor based can be quickly expanded to meet the needs.  This campaign needs to "GO VIRAL".  Please follow those proven methods for maximum effect to help save Jim's life.  They are contained in this Google document below. Please consider that there are many other potential Good Samaritans like yourself out there who would want to help, if they knew about this campaign.  They will not be given that opportunity unless you tell them.  Please read and follow those proven methods for maximum effect to reach a great many more donors. Thank you.

If you do not wish to click the link, you can scan with your anti-virus to assure its safety. You can also copy and paste the url into your address bar.   Please  print out these methods and refer to them later.  Please also share these methods with others whom you get involved in the campaign so they can effectively recruit even more Good Samaritans.
God Bless you for your compassion. Thank you.




More information about the campaign:    Due to a computer problem the GoFundMe website previously prevented people from finding the campaign and as a result,  the campaign had not received any funds for healthcare and other expenses for 5 months. 

Jim has fallen through the gaps in the available safety net in Texas. He cannot receive financial aid from federal or state governments, or from non-profit sources, such as churches.The State of Texas ranks near the bottom of the list for social services, compared to Minnesota and many other states. For example, as a single male with no children, Jim is not eligible for financial aid from the state (TANF program).  He has no other recent support network that is available for aid.  He cannot receive disability aid.

Churches and non-profit resources, as well as the government  in Texas are overwhelmed with thousands of homeless due to Hurricane Harvey and the hundreds of thousands of undocumented migrants who cross the Texas-Mexico border.  This has also overwhelmed the availability of other services. 

⭐More details about Jim's health conditions and life on the streets.

Jim  needs special medical equipment for breathing problems he cannot have on the streets that has greatly led to further health decline.  He has insufficient sleep each night which has a cumulative effect on his health decline after over on the streets. He has a prescribed diet  that is difficult to consistently find to control his blood sugar, as well as an inconsistent food intake for overall good nutrition. This affects many body functions.  Jim has gained  a lot of weight and has problems with fluid buildup in his legs and ankles.  He has developed a potentially life-threatening heart condition that needs expensive daily medicines.  He has developed a potentially life-threatening immune response deficiency condition that also requires an expensive daily medicine.

In recent months, he developed a continued pain in his back that makes it very painful for him to walk very far, and he walks very slowly, likely due to poor sleeping conditions.  He needs further evaluation and possible treatments. Recently, Jim  had an exam with an eye specialist and several changes in his eyes were found. Fortunately, he is not now going blind, but is going to require continued additional monitoring to prevent possible blindness, as some additional problems have signaled some warning signs, and possible future surgery.  He needs to continually take special prescribed eye-drops. As a result of the diagnosis, Jim will also need additional funds in the future for future needed  followup treatments.  He has suffered an attack of heat-stroke that fortunately was addressed in time.  This is a real problem in the humid Texas heat.

❤⭐More about Jim as a person: Please consider to enthusiastically  help this very worthy man upon learning further to get to know who Jim is as a lifelong friendly, humble,sincere, caring, empathetic, compassionate  person. He is an unselfish man who has served society over most of his lifetime in very significant ways though his lifelong passion for leadership in volunteer efforts that have helped thousands. This began as a youth, and in high school, he was an Eagle Scout who was selected as one of the Top Three Outstanding Boy Scouts for the entire State of Texas in recognition of his leadership and service to Scouting and to thousands of persons in Texas. This calling for service to others  continued through much service involvement at The University of Texas at Austin, and at Concordia College in Moorhead, MN, where he pursued additional degree studies. Significantly at Texas, he was the State Service Chairman for the Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity, leading over 40 college chapters in developing service programs to meet the needs of their communities.  At UT he was awarded the prestigious annual "Goodfellow" award, in recognition of outstanding service to The University and Austin communities.  After college, his leadership in service to society through many volunteer efforts served countless citizens from a cross-section of society.  Even while homeless, Jim reaches out to other homeless by sharing food or clothing that some kind persons have sometimes given him.

⭐More information about the Goals for the campaign to help save Jim's life:  With your help, the goals for the campaign are to get him off the streets QUICKLY to prevent further health decline. An apartment or small house that meets his unique healthcare needs must have the lease paid by the campaign for 12 months in advance. As Jim is unemployed, he cannot get a lease with monthly payments. With your help, the campaign seeks to pay his thousands in healthcare and other  expenses related to and justified by his homelessness and unemployment, including food, utilities, other expenses, etc., while he heals. If additional  sufficient funds can be raised above the goal, Jim can also get his vehicle repaired so he does not have to walk very slowly in his excruciating pain. If the fund would greatly raise additional funds, Jim could get into a residential treatment facility with specialists working daily. This would greatly speed up his healing with more effective treatments, but would also cost over $75,000.  This would be the very best environment for Jim. All of his conditions are treatable and reversible, but require long term, ongoing treatments. At least 12 months is anticipated. The treatments have been greatly successful with others. Each person responds differently, so the timeline could be shorter or longer.  With no health insurance, he must have sufficient funds to pay for and receive services. Once healed, Jim will look for employment, which he greatly desires.  He also greatly desires to return to his proven lifetime passion for volunteer service to thousands.  

If the fund would greatly take off in donations, there may be enough funds for Jim to get a small house to live in for the rest of his life.




  • Anonymous
    • $40 
    • 9 mos
  • Anonymous
    • $100 
    • 1 yr
  • Anonymous
    • $500 
    • 1 yr
  • Brian Wasmoen
    • $100 
    • 2 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $50 
    • 2 yrs

Organizer and beneficiary

Dave Vikse
Houston, TX
Jim Reinhart

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