Funeral expenses for Gabriel Cedeno
Donation protected
On Tuesday October 11, 2022, my family woke up and received horrible news. My uncle Gabriel Cedeño- was fatally struck by a drunk driver in Baltimore, Maryland (on Monday October 10th) as he was standing on the curb getting ready to cross the street just a few blocks from his home. Our family is in complete shock and filled with complete sadness and heartache, as this is all so sudden and unexpected. I am writing this on behalf of my mother who is extremely distraught and unable to think of the situation that just occurred. We are creating this fund to bring my uncle Gabriel Cedeño home to Ecuador and give my grandparents a chance to give him one final goodbye. We truly appreciate any of your help, generosity, and support being able to assist in his funeral arrangements to get him back home. Gabriel Cedeño was a great son, brother, uncle and friend he was loved by all and will be sorely missed. He lost his life in this senseless and tragic accident that could have been easily avoided if the drunk driver stopped and thought of his actions before getting behind the wheel, Gabriel will forever live in our hearts and minds…We will always have memories filled with happiness and joy.
El Martes October 11, 2022, nuestra familia recibio las noticias mas tragica que alguien quiere oir….Mi tio Gabriel Cedeño- fue atropellado fatalmente (Lunes Octubre 10) por un hombre abajo de la influeza de alcohol, solo bloques de su casa. Nuestra familia esta en shock y con los corazones destruidos, ya que esto fue completamente de un momento para el otro. Estoy escribiendo esto por parte de su hermana (mi mama), que esta completamente sorprendida y en shock, igual que toda la familia. Estamos creando este fondo para poder llevar lo a mi tío a su casa en Ecuador para que mis abuelos le puedan dar una ultima despedida. Gabriel era muy amado de todos y va a ser extrañado por sus padres, su familia y sus amigos. Gabriel vivira en nuestros corazones. Perdio su vida en un tragico accidente- pero el vivirá en nuestro corazones siempre y Su memorias por siempre sera recordado con la Felicidad y amor.
Please let this be an eyeopener and please think before you get behind the wheel after drinking, you do not want to be dealing with our grief and heartache my family is. Our lives have changed forever in a blink of an eye.
Michelle Matute
Kaneohe, HI