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Help Brad Pattison's Rescue Team Help Australia

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My name is Kelli Kiss, I am from West Kelowna BC and I am part of a Canadian Emergency  Wildlife Rescue team lead by Brad Pattison. In mid January 2020, our team of 5 dedicated volunteers will be deploying to Australia to help with wildlife relief efforts.

Australia is in a current state of emergency, with a quarter of the country currently on fire. The wildfires in Australia are absolutely devastating. Approximately 12.35 million acres has burned across the country since July.  People, animals, and wildlife are suffering unimaginable tragedies.

We will be flying into Melbourne and working closely with Jirrahlinga Koala and Wildlife Sanctuary to save as many animals as we can! We are bringing as many medical supplies with us as we possibly can. We will be helping Koalas, Foxes, Sugar Gliders, kangaroos,  and countless other helpless, and in desperate need, animals.

We are a 100% volunteer based team. That means every single dollar raised will be going directly to the cause!

We will begin withdrawing money asap to start the process of purchasing as many medical supplies as we can so we can bring them to Australia with us! We will then use all remaining funds for:

➡️The search and rescue of animals
➡️First aid supplies for in the field triage
➡️The safe transportation of these animals to seek veterinary care
➡️The rehabilitation of injured animals to get them successfully back into the wild
➡️The purchase of seeds to help to begin replanting food sources so that these animals do not starve

I am asking you, for your help. If there is anything you can do, be it donating whatever you can or sharing our campaign far and wide, every little bit helps. Please, help us make a difference. Your donation could help save a life.

About the Team and Qualifications:

Brad Pattison and his elite K-9 Rescue Team have been instrumental in assisting in such events as; Hurricane Katrina in 2005 in New Orleans, the 2010 earthquake in Haiti and the 2013 catastrophic floods in Calgary, Alberta, in helping to ensure the safety of animals. Brad Pattison's team were the first Canadians on site in the aftermath of Katrina to search and rescue many animals in need.

In Calgary, we enlisted the help of the airline WestJet to fly much needed equipment and supplies into the flooded zone. In Haiti we not only helped many animals but assisted in the safe relocation of children to Canada. Also, the team flew to Puerto Rico in 2017 after Hurricane Maria tore through the island to save all kinds of animals from gerbils and hamsters to horses and mules. 




  • Anonym
    • $150 
    • 4 yrs

Spendenteam: Brad Pattison Wildlife Rescue Team (3)

Kelli Boogemans
Westbank, BC
Heidi Bechtold
Team member
Heidi Dummler
Team member

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