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Scott Slighting Funeral & Memorial

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~A “note” from Melinda Slighting~ 

It was amazing to see and hug and speak to all of you from WM yesterday. What a beautiful day. I want to thank each and everyone who gave generously and I am humbled indeed.

When Scott told me that his colleagues and friends were going to set up a gofundme account, I was at first embarrassed. “We should do this on our own and not ask for help.” This experience has changed me, I have become more vulnerable, more accepting of the kindness, love and service of others. I am humbled by the generosity of Scott’s inner circle. Times like these bring out the best in people and my thanks and admiration goes out to all of you. I want you to know that every penny will be spent on Scott’s medical and funeral expenses. Sincerely, with a broken heart and a heart filled with love, Melinda Slighting


Friends, family and colleagues,

It is with a great deal of sadness and sorrow to inform you all that Scott Slighting passed away today (9/27). As many of you already know, Scott was battling aggressive stage 4 brain cancer. Scott was surrounded by his loved ones throughout this entire journey. He even worked a full day yesterday; as we all know changing the world through all of us was his passion.

I’d like to share some words he recently shared when face to face with this possibility.

“Little miracles are constantly happening around us and the timing is amazing. I’ll tell you about them some day!” - Scott

Funeral Arrangements 

Date: Friday October 5, 2018

Visitation: 10 am- 12:00 pm

Funeral: 12:00 pm

Church Address: 125 N. Sandrum Road, Salt Lake City, Utah 84103  


We are using this platform to share Scott’s current journey; he is fighting valiantly through a very tough situation. Scott will  provide updates as he can which will be shared on the page as well. 

The reason the page was created was because many of Scott’s friends, family and colleagues wanted to be able to show Scott some support during his fight with cancer. We feel this is the best way to show that support and how much we care, while also trying to mitigate some of the out of pocket expenses that Scott’s family will face along the way. So we insisted on doing this :) Scott will also be able to communicate through one outlet and reach many people who are waiting— for updates from him.

From Scott:

Hello friends-

I have a story to tell about how quickly life can be turned on its head. This story starts out in Sacramento, California on July 25, 2018 with a much anticipated tour of many of my work locations with a great buddy to help my team become more educated around fundamentals relative to my business.


It is interesting to note that on July 25, 2018 I was having some low grade headaches, which I assumed was happening due to all of the fires in Northern California. Another noteworthy event was one of my partners asked in our meeting if I was o.k. and he said that he thought I was a little off. Given my background in areas if my life where pain was to be ignored and you pushed on. I just commented that the smoke was killing me. The reminder of that week was status quo and we went to all of our scheduled appointments, all while I continued to have this low grade headache.


The following week of 8/6/2018 was more of the same. Finally, I saw an opportunity on August 9th to leave Reno and drive to Salt Lake City for a much anticipated vacation the opportunity to go fly fishing. Well, things changed. No vacation. August 11 was when my wonderful wife, Melinda, noticed that my balance was off and said we’re taking you into the emergency room. She thought I was having a stroke. There was no stroke. So, I ended up taking a MRI. The results of the MRI changed my life in a flash when Melinda and I heard the news that I had 19 lesions on my brain. 3 or 4 were big measuring around 1 inch in length. The other thing they mentioned was that it was inoperable, which means that Radiation was the only option. The official diagnosis is Stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma and there are a couple of spots on my lungs and ribs. They gave 4-6 months to live with traditional Chemo treatment. The immuno-therapy, if it takes, goes to a 65% chance of living more than 4 years. I am way more hopeful given the other things I am doing listed below.

So, we were right into the middle of 15 radiation treatments which just ended September 6, 2018. We did start the 2nd phase of the treatment which started on 8/31/2018 which is a double immuno-therapy every three weeks, which will mean travel to Salt Lake via plane. The protocol then shifts to a single Immuno-therapy infusion every 4 weeks for an entire year.


This is worth mentioning about the other things I am doing. Ever since this whole thing went down I have been in the books studying.

1.   Mindset-one thought can change the chemistry in the entire body for bad or good. Control your thoughts which I have been working on for some time. Net positive.

2.   Attacking things from a Metabolic basis. Cancer is fermenting Glucose to create energy and fuel metastatic growth. Cut glucose and metabolically tremendous pressure is put on these cells.

3.   Keto-moving to Keto and a Keto adapted fuel sources. Again, this put tremendous pressure on the offending cells.

4.   Radiation-this with attacking things metabolically put tremendous pressure on this cells.

5.   Immuno-therapy-This just uses the body’s own immune system to fight.

6.   There other things out there that are being evaluated as an adjunct therapy.


At this point, I can’t say how grateful I am about everything we have heard and experienced so far with the immuno-therapy. Felt great so far. So, it’s a long road ahead to the treatments. I hope I can handle them all and stay on schedule.



A few other thoughts.

1.   My whole life I have been learning about mindset and how one decides how to look at things. I feel like all of that education has positioned perfectly to put more and more into play. This is so important how you frame all of this.

2.   I’ve always liked long odds and doubters about what one person can do. I beat the odds when I found my gorgeous, fabulous wife and somehow convinced her to marry me. Our anniversary of 33 years was on Friday, September 7!

3.   I lifted myself out of a poverty like situation and I learned early on that education changes things for those that are prepared.

4.   There were times that my confidence was not that great but after 35 years in martial arts I learned more confidence from some great friends. Over the years, I taught many people the gentle, right kind of martial arts and create a way for people to improve themselves, confidence.

5.   Corporate team lead to the opportunity to transform a company. Yes, there were processes but I found, created tools that lead us to mindset. This opportunity has lead to another opportunity to continue to learn more and more about mindset.


Closing points:

1.   Life is not fair. I refuse to be a victim but instead choose to see victory. Out of this I choose to see life as beautiful and this has sweetened and deepened my view of life. What a gift.

2.   I also view it this way-Whatever the test that has been given us we must be willing to pass it without complaining, to rise to the challenge of the gift that has been given. Being able to take the pressures of the challenge with breaking points but all without breaking. The byproduct is more humility, more sweetness, kindness, gratitude of all the little things around us that we get an opportunity to more clearly see.

3.   I know a man that took of the bitter cup but did not become bitter. Can I do that? Trying to not let one murmuring utterance escape my lips.

4.   Can we remain silent when silence is eloquence? Can’t complain about a gift chosen by the being that has all knowledge and he chose this for me give and my family and the supporting cast of friends.



Thanks everyone helping me along this journey.






  • Patrick Beckstead
    • $300 
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Erik Creason
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Melinda Slighting

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