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Eunice Njoroge Farewell Expenses

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A lot can happen over 12 months. Last year around this time, we were celebrating 55 years of marriage for my parents Eunice and Stephen Njoroge. Today, we are battling with what seems like an insurmountable challenge for my mum who was diagnosed with Acute Leukemia in June 2018.

While the prognosis has been dire, mum's spirit has been indomitable. She has dramatically changed her lifestyle and now eats organically sourced food products. So far, her treatment plan has been the change of diet, various vitamin supplements and blood transfusions every 60 days. Since the beginning of the year, the transfusions are getting closer and closer and in the last few weeks she has not been well. On Good Friday, it become apparent that mum's condition was not improving even after a transfusion earlier in the week, turns out that the bone marrow deterioration has hastened and the infection in her chest is not helping the situation.

For the 1st time these last few days the family has seen our mother almost defeated and yet still putting up a fight. Even at 76, mum believes she still has a long life to live and is fully trusting God for a miracle. So we stand alongside her as a family and submit her to the capable hands of the earthly doctors and Jesus the great physician for total and complete healing.

She is currently hospitalized and receiving both blood and platelet transfusions daily. She is on antibiotic treatment as well to 1st clear the infection so she can be stable enough to receive further treatment options which are in discussion.

As a family we have been encompassed by great compassion from those we know as well as strangers hearing mum's story. Everyone wants to help in one way or the other. We thought it prudent to structure the support in three ways:

1) Continued prayers for mum for her complete healing

2) Encouragement through voice notes and in person visits for those able to do so

3) Financial support to cater for the escalating hospital bills which are now beyond the insurance cover. Each round of transfusion costs an average of $1,500.  She is currently receiving transfusions daily.

Mum has had the great favor of making friends from all walks of life around the world.

You can use any of the below means to send through your donations.


Bank: CFC Stanbic

Acct Name: Eunice Njoroge

Acct #: 0100002247202

Lipa na Mpesa
Business #: 600100
Acct #0100002247202

South Africa:

Bank: Investec

Acct Name: Racheal Njoroge

Acct #: 10011548381



Bank: JP Morgan Chase

Acct Name: Racheal Njoroge

Acct #: 717059471

We pray for God's richest blessing to overwhelm you, even as you stand with us believing that with God, nothing is impossible!


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    • $500 
    • 5 yrs


Racheal Njoroge
Indianapolis, IN

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