Enderby Arena Fundraiser
All funds raised will go to the City of Enderby for the purposes of repairing the Enderby Arena’s & Curling Rink refrigeration system and obtaining a grant to complete other needed improvements to keep the facility operational.
Enderby has been saving for a local contribution towards a grant to replace major components at its arena, including the roof, floor, and brine lines, all of which are aging and failing. The replacement of these components is estimated to exceed $2,000,000.
Due to the sudden failure of the refrigeration system, the Enderby Arena will use its long-term savings to complete the urgent repairs immediately.
If a donor wishes to make a large donation, please contact the City of Enderby at
[email redacted] to arrange for an e-transfer. The City of Enderby can provide an official donation receipt for income tax purposes through etransfer.
Minimum $50 donation for a tax receipt.