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Diagnostic Assessment for Lucy

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We are fundraising for a private assessment for our 22 year old granddaughter Lucy. She is a lovely, caring, kind-hearted young woman who faces multiple handicaps to her daily life, and has been struggling for a few years now.

Lucy has her life on hold, as she has undiagnosed autism despite being on two NHS referral lists. The wait time on these lists is 3 years. She has tried to access medical support without a formal diagnosis, but has come up against constant walls. In order to get the medical support she needs – including access adjustments around work, disability benefits and appropriate therapy – Lucy needs an autism assessment.

We have found a private assessment that has a 4 month wait time. The cost of a diagnostic assessment is £2,950.

We have exhausted NHS routes for support. Lucy’s mental health is greatly affected, as she feels trapped and that things will never get any better. She is at risk of long-term isolation and depression. She is unable to support her daily living and I am limited by the support I can give her, as I am maintaining her housing and living costs.

I am a pensioner and I am unable to work. I am also currently caring for my daughter who has been chronically ill since 2006.

Although there is no cure for autism, a private assessment and diagnosis would hopefully go a long way to helping Lucy to understand why she finds things a lot harder than others of her own age, why she gets overwhelmed, and help her to see she is not alone in feeling the way she does. It will reduce the guilt, self-blame and frustration she feels and finally start getting the answers, help, support and adjustments she rightly deserves.

There is no pressure at all to donate, but if you wish to, any donation – no matter how small – is greatly appreciated. Any further money will be used to pay for additional assessments and medical support for Lucy.

Thank you for any support you can give.


Valentina Bright

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